115 Years Ago – Nov. 22, 1905
Some fine skating — Skating on the river above the dam has been exceptionally fine during the past week and hundreds have taken advantage of the smooth ice.
Potato train – – The first carload of potatoes out of Aroostook County over the Northern Maine Seaport Railroad were sent out Friday night and arrived in Stockton Springs on Saturday. An outlet from Aroostook to the sea is now an established fact.
100 Years Ago – Nov. 25, 1920
New Mason — G.M. Mason left Tuesday morning for Portland where he will take several degrees in Masonry in the Scottish rites.
New salesman — Ruben Anderson has accepted a position as salesman in the Marr and Hawks Clothing Store.
75 Years Ago – Nov. 22, 1945
Deer stayed close to home — A certain Caribou hunter is getting the rub because he went 200 miles downstate on a hunting trip and came home empty handed — only to find that a few of his neighbor hunters had bagged 4 deer on his farm while he was gone.
School sponsors science fair — Caribou HIgh School is one of five schools selected by a committee, with approval of principals, to sponsor the preliminary session of Maine’s State Science Fair and Congress for secondary schools on Saturday March 23.
50 Years Ago – Nov. 25, 1970
Retirement dinner honors Weston — Everett Weston of Caribou was honored at a retirement dinner held at Dudley’s Homestead in Castle Hill in recognition of 50 years with the Maine Department of Agriculture. He was presented with a plaque for his many devoted years of service.
Hunter gets first deer — Steve Haley of Limestone recently bagged his first deer. The four point buck, which weighed 160 pounds, was shot in the Ashland area. Haley has just returned from Vietnam and has missed the last four hunting seasons.
25 Years Ago – Nov. 22, 1995
Family science fair in New Sweden — Linda Ross and Nancy Holmquist, teachers of Kindergarten through second grade at the New Sweden School, presented a family science fair Tuesday evening which focused on the many properties of water.
New computer business — DLS Software of Caribou recently became the newest company to join the Caribou Chamber of Commerce. Owned by Dominic and Lynn Soldane, the firm will offer “close to wholesale prices” by providing a direct catalog service. They also plan to sponsor a free computer club for members of the community.