100 Years Ago – Dec. 30, 1920
Census — The first census of Houlton taken 125 years ago listed a total population of 117. There were 74 males and 43 females. The largest family was 12 in the household of Joshua Putnam.
75 Years Ago – Dec. 27, 1945
75th anniversary — Aroostook 4-H Club is Winner — The Yankee 4-H Club of Daigle won the cash award given by the Maine Farm Bureau Federation to the highest ranking club in Maine this year.
50 Years Ago – Dec. 30, 1970
Street lights — Improved street lighting for Reservoir Hill was given for approval by the Town Council during its regular meeting.
A New Hospital — A major step toward the eventual construction of a new hospital in Houlton was realized with the appointment of a 16-member Board of Trustees of Southern Aroostook’s new merged hospital.
25 Years Ago – Dec. 27, 1995
Red Cross winter blood drive — January is National Blood Donor Month. Ring in the New Year by giving the gift of life – give blood at the blood drive on Jan. 2.
Hospital shares rebate with County charity — A rebate from Worker’s Compensation to Houlton Regional Hospital last week resulted in a much needed donation to the Salvation Army.
The hospital decided to share the rebate with all employees in the form of a holiday bonus, gift certificates to the food store.