Presque Isle Criminal Docket, January 2021

4 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — The following cases were heard under the Aroostook Criminal Docket at the Presque Isle Courthouse in January.

Joseph M. Dalessandris, 53, Caribou: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 5 days in jail, $400 fine; unlawful possession of a scheduled drug, 5 days in jail, $400 fine.

Robert E. St. Peter Jr., 50, Presque Isle: probation violation, 60 days in jail, probation partially revoked, probation continued.        

Kristin S. Keegan, 39, Mars Hill: probation violation, 7 days in jail, probation revoked.

Tecia R. Barrett, 50, Presque Isle: operating under the influence (alcohol), license suspended for 150 days, $1,000 fine.     

Billie J. Theriault, 31, Fort Kent: criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon, dismissed; criminal threatening, $300 fine.     

Robin Witham Jr., 32, Houlton: criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon, dismissed; criminal threatening, 90 days in jail.

Katherine Allen, 27, Mapleton: operating while license suspended or revoked – OUI, 7 days in jail, license suspended for 1 year, $600 fine; operating under the influence (alcohol), 1 prior, 6 months in jail, all but 7 days suspended, 1 year probation, license suspended for 3 years, $700 fine. 

Vernon D. Baker, 43 Allagash: operating after habitual offender revocation, 30 days in jail, $500 fine. 

Chandler J. Pratt, 21, Presque Isle: operating under the influence (drugs or combo), license suspended for 1 year and 60 days, $500 fine.

Jonathan Holmes, 31, Presque Isle: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, dismissed. 

Kiley D. Pelletier, 34, Presque Isle: aggravated trafficking of a schedule W drug, dismissed; criminal forfeiture of property, forfeiture.

Kiley D. Pelletier, 34, Presque Isle: theft by receiving stolen property, dismissed; violating condition of release (two counts), 12 days in jail (first), dismissed (second).

Thomas Kelley, 30, Ashland: hunting from a stand or blind overlooking deer bait, dismissed; unlawful possession wild animal or bird (dismissed).

Keilee J. Stickney, 34, Mars Hill: operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed. 

Nicholas LaPoint, 41, Presque Isle: domestic violence assault, prior, dismissed.

Nicholas R. LaPoint, 41, Fort Fairfield: domestic violence assault, 364 days in prison, all but 46 days suspended, 2 years probation; violating condition of release, dismissed. 

Kristen S. Keegan, 39, Mars Hill: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, priors, 18 months in prison, all but 7 days suspended, 1 year probation, $50 restitution; operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.

Kirk A. Tompkins, 47, Fort Fairfield: robbery, dismissed; criminal attempt, dismissed; criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon (two counts), 3 years in prison, all but 129 days suspended, 2 years probation, $250 restitution (first), 129 days in jail (second). 

Randy L. Fulton, 31, Westfield: probation violation, 4 months in jail, probation revoked.

Clifford A. Shaw, 36, Limestone: illegal possession of a firearm, 2 years in prison, all but 55 days suspended, 2 years probation.   

William Bayliss, 46, East Haven, Connecticut: domestic violence assault, 90 days in jail; domestic violence criminal threatening, dismissed; criminal mischief, 90 days in jail.

Jesse Faye, 31, Presque Isle: operating under the influence (drugs or combo), dismissed; operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.

Joshua Burby, 29, Ashland: assault, 11 months in prison; criminal mischief, 11 months in prison, $1,777.55 restitution; criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon, 4 years in prison, all but 18 months suspended, 1 year probation, $1,777.55 restitution.

Laura Cowett, 39, Presque Isle: operating under the influence (alcohol), 72 hours in jail, license suspended for 150 days, $500 fine.

Jasmine King, 26, Limestone: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, filed without costs.

Jasmine King, 26, Limestone:operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, filed without costs. 

Kyle C. Bell, 26, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed. 

Kirk A. Tompkins, 47, Fort Fairfield: violating condition of release, 60 days in jail.

Tammy Lyn Clark, 37, Castle Hill: criminal mischief, 24 hours in jail, $250 restitution. 

Paul Corbin, 30, Caribou: violating condition of release, 60 days in jail.

Derek B. Demerchant, 33, Fort Fairfield: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.

Adam A. Pratt, 42, Washburn: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

Derek B. Demerchant, 33, Fort Fairfield: illegal placing of bear bait, $200 fine.

Ian Cloney, 19, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine. 

Randy Lee Fulton Jr, 31, Westfield: violating condition of release, 14 days in jail; operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed. 

Timothy Layton, 38, Presque Isle: aggravated criminal mischief, dismissed. 

Robert E. St. Peter Jr, 50, Presque Isle: criminal trespass (two counts), dismissed (first), 30 days in jail (second); disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, 30 days in jail.

Ian Cloney, 19, Presque Isle: operating vehicle without license, $150 fine.

Kelly F. Lessard, 68, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire: shooting from a vehicle, $200 fine; shooting firearm, bow and arrow, or crossbow over way, $200 fine. 

Justin Santerre, 23, Bradford: unlawful possession wild animal or bird, $500 fine.

Adam J. Fowler, 21, Wakefield, New Hampshire: shooting firearm, bow and arrow, or crossbow over way, $200 fine; shooting from a vehicle, $200 fine.

Kooper Kinney, 19, Easton: motor vehicle speeding 30-plus mph over speed limit, dismissed. 

Austin Gaboury, 24, Presque Isle: operating under the influence (alcohol), 48 hours in jail, license suspended for 150 days, registration suspended, $500 fine; criminal mischief (dismissed).

Dean S. Butler, 57, Hampden: shooting firearm, bow and arrow, or crossbow over way, $200 fine.

Wendy Marie Peaslee, 43, Mars Hill: cutting Christmas trees or boughs without permission, $200 fine. 

William Bayliss, 46, East Haven, Connecticut: violating condition of release, 30 days in jail; criminal mischief, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

Jeremy Fortin, 44, Presque Isle: criminal mischief, filed without costs. 

Joshua M. Spencer, 18, Alton: unlawful possession wild animal or bird, $500 fine.

Katie Burby, 39, Presque Isle: displaying fictitious vehicle certificate, $75 fine.

Jesse E. Sawyer, 39, Linneus: burglary, dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed. 

Paul Corbin, 30, Caribou: violating condition of release, 90 days in jail.

Amy Condon, 26, Presque Isle: motor vehicle speeding 30-plus mph over speed limit, $400 fine. 

Robert Beaupre, 75, Portage Lake: hunting from stand or blind overlooking deer bait, $500 fine.

Peter Beaupre, 54, Portage Lake: hunting from stand or blind overlooking deer bait, $500 fine.

Dean S. Butler, 57, Hampden: hunting with firearm/ crossbow without hunter orange, $100 fine.

Ryan L/ McPherson, 19, Ashland: operating an unregistered ATV, $200 fine. 

Adam Vilella, 38, Presque Isle: operating without safety equipment, $25 fine. 

Brandon K. Condon, 23, Ashland: feed bait deer, $500 fine.