Ribbon cutting at Legacy Ranch, Mars Hill

3 years ago

A ribbon cutting was held recently to mark the opening of the Legacy Ranch and Event Center, located at 66 White Road in Mars Hill.

From left are: Kassidi Hanson, summer associate, and LaNiece Sirois, executive director, Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce; Caleb Kennedy, close family friend; Colleen and Dwight Hogan, neighbors of the ranch; Spencer Bragan, superintendent of building and grounds; Chance Bragan, campground caretaker; Miranda Bragan, owner; Tricia Bragan, operations manager; Mary Kate Barbosa, chamber board member; Margo Dyer, chamber board president; Emily Michaud, MMG intern; and Jennifer Olson, chamber board member. For more information check out the ranch on their Facebook page at: facebook.com/Legacy-Ranch-Event-Center-104017088127460.