HOULTON, Maine -- August 30, 2021 -- The Houlton Elks Club recently donated school supplies to all three of the RSU 29 schools. The supplies included playground balls, tissues, folders, glue sticks, disinfecting wipes and many other necessities that schools use throughout the year. Taking part in the presentation are, from left, Seth Hannigan, Phil Cloney, Bob Cleary, Mike Powers, Elisabeth Grant, Mike Hannigan and Sean Conlogue. (Photo courtesy of Houlton Elementary School)
HOULTON, Maine — Houlton Elementary School received generation donations from two local organizations — Monument Lodge No. 96 and Houlton Elks Lodge No. 835 — at the start of the school year.

HOULTON, Maine — August 30, 2021 — Monument Lodge No. 96 (Masons) and Temple Assembly No. 18 (Rainbow Girls) recently made a special delivery of 60 backpacks filled with school supplies to the Houlton Elementary and Southside Schools. The backpacks will be provided to those students who are in need. Delivering the backpacks is Patrick Bruce, senior deacon and Monument Lodge board chairman.