Caribou Criminal Docket, June 2021

3 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — The following cases were heard under the Aroostook Criminal Docket at the Caribou Courthouse in June.

Vernon Baker, 45, Caribou: probation violation, 364 days in prison, probation partially revoked.

Richard M. Kinney, 52, Houlton: operating while license suspended or revoked-operating under the influence, dismissed.

Shaun M. Ames, 42, Lewiston: disorderly conduct; offensive words, gestures. $500 fine.

Tristan L. Coon, 36, Limestone: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.

Brandon Parent, 28, Caswell: domestic violence assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $500 fine.

Kathleen Marie Adzic, 52, Limestone: operating vehicle without a license, $150 fine.

Christopher Saunders, 33, Caribou: assault, priors aggravated assault, 436 days in prison; domestic violence criminal threatening, 364 days in prison; domestic violence assault, priors, five years in prison, all but 436 days suspended, three years probation; violating condition of release, 436 days in prison; reckless violation of protective order, 436 days in prison.

Darci Tripp, 32, Caribou: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior; $500 fine.

Christopher Saunders, 33, Caribou; unlawful possession of scheduled drugs (3 counts) 60 days in jail (each); violating condition of release, 60 days in jail.

Rebecca A. McDougal, 26, Caribou: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; $200 fine.

Stenson J. Gustin, 24, Caribou: criminal mischief, $100 fine.

Anthony Fink, 36, Blaine: OUI (alcohol), $700 fine, license suspended 150 days.

Damian D. Simoneau, 28, Presque Isle: probation violation, 20 months in prison, probation revoked.

Bruce Madore, 54, Caribou: assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct; offensive words, gestures, $300 fine, 48 hours in jail, all suspended, administrative release sentence, six months.

Jeffery Fisher, 53, Castle Hill: operating after habitual offender revocation, priors, filed on unspecified costs.

Daniel T. Moutinho, 36, Limestone: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, no sentence listed.

Richard L. Merchant, 41, Limestone: robbery, dismissed; burglary (two counts), dismissed (first), eight years in prison, all but three years suspended, probation two years (second); aggravated assault, dismissed.

Justin C. Adams, 20, Caribou: assault, $300 fine.

Christopher Saunders, 33, Caribou: violating condition of release, 90 days in jail; domestic violence stalking, priors, dismissed; violating protection from abuse order, 90 days in jail.

Brian T. Keenan, 43, Caribou: refusing to submit to arrest or detention, physical force, 10 days in jail.

Dakota Michaud, 30, Caribou: burglary, dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.

Richard L. Merchant, 41, Limestone: violating condition of release, dismissed.

Damian D. Simoneau, 28, Presque Isle: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, 60 days in jail.

John S. King, 43, Caribou: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500 fine; violating condition of release, $250 fine.

Manuel J. Cyr, 24, Madawaska: OUI (drugs or combo), license suspended 150 days, $500 fine; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine; criminal threatening, 30 days in jail; indecent conduct, dismissed.

Eric S. Philbrook, 36, Woodland: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.

Joshua Lee St Peter, 41, Caribou: disorderly conduct, loud noise, private place.

Patrick D. Lausier, 37, New Sweden: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $250 fine.

Brock McBreairty, 42, Caribou: operating while license suspended or revoked, filed on unspecified costs.

Stanley V. Hazell, 22, Caribou: operating vehicle without a license, dismissed.

Stenson J. Gustin, 24, Caribou: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.

Brian Keenan, 43, Caribou: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

Kimberly L. Geer, 43, Caribou: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine, $87.68 restitution.

Jacob Sperrey, 24, Washburn: operating while licence suspended or revoked, $250 fine.

Jacob Skidgel, 19, Washburn: operating vehicle without a license, $150 fine.

Kyle Gagnon, 29, Fort Fairfield: operating while licence suspended or revoked, $250 fine.

Ryan Doody, 45, Washburn: operating while licence suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Duard S. Nunnally, 50, New Sweden: driving to endanger, $575 fine, license suspended 30 days, $500 restitution.

Amanda Sam, 31, Caribou: violating condition of release, $250 fine.

Habiib Abukar Mohamed, 21, Portland: theft by receiving stolen property, dismissed; attaching false plates, dismissed.

Steven M. Berthiaume, 41, Limestone: aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, dismissed; unlawful possession of fentanyl powder, $400 fine, 12 months in prison.

Jesse J. Clark, 28, Washburn: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, filed on unspecified costs.

Robert A. Suire, 40, Washburn: violating condition of release, 7 days in jail; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine, 30 days in jail.

Damian D. Simoneau, 28, Caribou: operating after habitual offender revocation, two priors, $1,000 fine, 12 months in prison; violating condition of release, 90 days in jail.

Steven M. Berthiaume, 41, Limestone: unlawful possession of methamphetamine, $400 fine, 12 months in prison; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

Lendal Philip Mills Jr., 57, Washburn: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

Dale Allen Rasmussen, 42, Van Buren: failure to register vehicle, $150 fine.

Chelsea Theriault, 27, Caribou: cruelty to animals, $500 fine.

Christopher Prest, 29, Woodland: operating while licence suspended or revoked, $250 fine.

John W. Whitney Jr., 56, Perham: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $300 fine; violating condition of release, $250 fine.

Veronica R. Lopez, 20, Caribou: operating unregistered ATV, $200 fine.

Duard Nunnally, 50, New Sweden: unlawful use of inhalants, $750 fine.

Ashley D. Doody, 26, Perham: allowing dog to be at large, $250 fine; keeping dangerous dog, $250 fine.

Ashley D. Doody, 26, Perham: allowing dog to be at large, $500 fine; keeping dangerous dog, $500 fine.

Ashley D. Doody, 26, Perham: allowing dog to be at large, $500 fine; keeping dangerous dog, $500 fine.

Frank Lagasse, 32, keeping dangerous dog, filed on unspecified costs.