Age Friendly Houlton seeks community input on survey

3 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — “Age-Friendly Houlton” is a group of Houlton residents who are working together to make the community a more livable place.

In order to focus efforts where they are most needed, Age-Friendly Houlton has started gathering information about how to make the town more accessible and inclusive for people of all ages.

The group has developed a community needs survey and is seeking input from members of the community, especially those over the age of 50. The survey focuses on aspects of the community that are important for the health and well-being of older residents, as well as explores what might help older residents age in place or age in the community. 

Opinions will help the group plan future projects and initiatives, as it identifies the strengths of Houlton as well as some opportunities for improvement. To complete the survey, please visit

Those without a computer can fill out a paper copy of the survey, available at the Cary Library and Putnam House.