Volunteer coordinator visits Oakfield Seniors

3 years ago

OAKFIELD, Maine — The Oakfield Seniors recently met at the home of member Arlene Friel for a potluck lunch and presentation by Christine McPherson, regional volunteer coordinator with the Aroostook Agency on Aging.

According to McPherson, group members are strong supporters of Aroostook RSVP. For example, Ruth and Jack Doughty help out with collecting signatures for senior commodity food boxes and deliver food to their neighbors each month. They also have helped keep trails open at the Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge in Limestone and have taught Matter of Balance classes. 

Lottie and Earle Doughty have been delivering Meals on Wheels in their community for years. Bonnie Pratt has helped as a Friendly Visitor and caller and is a Matter of Balance coach. Charlotte and Don Marley have been Friendly Visitors, too, and have also enjoyed selling knitted items made by the Warm Hands and Feet volunteers at the Houlton Craft Fair.

To learn more about being a volunteer or to schedule a speaker to discuss service opportunities, contact Sherry Beaulieu, Aroostook Agency on Aging manager of volunteer services, at 207-764-3396.