Cary 100 Miles in 100 Days Fitness Challenge Event begins Feb. 21

2 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine – Cary Medical Center’s Healthy You program will launch the 100 Miles in 100 Days Fitness Challenge on Monday, Feb. 21. The event, which has been popular for fitness enthusiasts in recent years, is sponsored in part by Hebert’s Rexall Pharmacy in Van Buren and Sleeper’s in Caribou.

More than 300 participants joined the challenge in 2021 and Bill Flagg, director of community relations and development for Cary said that people have commented on how the challenge has helped them get back into regular fitness activity.

“It is challenging, particularly in the winter, so stay physically active,” said Flagg. “The 100 Miles in 100 Days event encourages people to get moving and that is why we focus on walking. As we get closer to spring and temperatures get into the 30s and 40s walking outside can be safer and with the COVID-19 virus still active being outside helps to reduce risk. We also encourage people to find a safe place to walk inside and in those situations we suggest that people wear masks.”

Walking has been called, “Miracle Medicine.” Regular walking can help reduce weight, lower blood pressure, improve mood, reduce the risk for heart disease and other chronic illnesses. Flagg pointed out that regular physical activity, including walking can even reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

“While tragically there is still no cure for Alzheimer’s, one thing that has been found, with evidence, to reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s is regular physical activity and walking most days of the week for 30 minutes or 150 minutes per week can really make a difference in your overall wellness.”

Walking may help lower your cholesterol and, in turn, your risk for heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, walking just 30 minutes per day can lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. And since regular walking can keep cholesterol and blood pressure in check, it is a great way to boost your overall heart health.

In addition to improving your health, participating in the Challenge can win you some great prizes. Cary will be drawing $25 gift certificates donated by Sleepers of Caribou every other week and at the end of the challenge Hebert’s Rexall Pharmacy will present a $250 gift card to a lucky winner.

To qualify for prizes you must register for the 100 Miles in 100 Days Challenge and submit your miles monthly. To be eligible for the grand prize you must complete the challenge – 100 miles in 100 days and submit miles walked per month. You can register for the challenge by visiting Cary’s website, or by calling Cary Community Relations at 207-498-1112.