GIFT pantry serves the community

2 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine – Grace Interfaith Food Table, better known as GIFT, is a longstanding pantry in Presque Isle that has been in operation since 2003. Its roots began through Sister Mary O’Donnell at the rectory of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Presque Isle, moved to its second home on Industrial Street, then finally became incorporated and moved to its current location at 11 Industrial Street, Presque Isle.

The pantry is governed by a board of directors, and until a few months ago, was directed by Charlene Buzza, who was in this position for seven years. Raymond Dube has stepped in to manage the pantry, and is supported by 15 Aroostook  RSVP volunteers who serve hundreds of hours a month to assist in keeping the pantry operating smoothly. They work well together, and they get the job done each month.

GIFT is assisted by four local churches, school children’s cereal box drive, Girl Scouts, and community donations. Consumers in Presque Isle, Castle Hill, Chapman, and Mapleton can receive food once a month.

On Monday, volunteers help unload the food that arrives on the Catholic Charities truck. Food is organized on shelves and in freezers. On Monday, consumers can call at 207-764-8584 and leave a message that will be returned on Tuesday, or they can call on Tuesday from 9 a.m. to noon to schedule a food pickup. Wednesday from 9 a.m. to noon is “shop day” when scheduled consumers can come to get foods that include fruits and vegetables, dairy and eggs, pantry items, and meats and poultry. The pantry is not open on the fifth Wednesday of the month.

Food is packaged on Tuesdays for scheduled families, and meats, fruits and vegetables and dairy added on Wednesday to a shopping cart. The cart is then brought out to the consumer’s car. There is always an assortment of food items  and knitted hats, mittens and scarves made by RSVP Warm Hands and Feet volunteers, outside the building for consumers to help themselves to.

If you need food, please call 207-764-8584. If you have a heart to help people receive food and want to volunteer, please call Christine McPherson, Aroostook RSVP volunteer coordinator at 207-760-6261 or the Aroostook Agency on Aging at 207-764-3396.