HOULTON, Maine – For many, the end of June means they are halfway through the year, but for the local Rotary Club it means something a bit different.
Typically, on the last Monday of June, the Houlton Rotary Club holds its annual meeting and dinner, with a busy agenda on tap. This year was no different.

Joe Fagnant (left) was presented with the Presidential Award by new Houlton Rotary President Steve Fitzpatrick.
(Courtesy of Houlton Rotary Club)
On the evening of Monday, June 27, the club’s annual event took place at the Shiretown Inn with approximately 60 Rotarians and their guests. During the social hour and dinner, Scott and Ben Walker provided an easy-listening collection of music for all to enjoy. The meeting was called to order by Incoming President Steven Fitzpatrick.
Rotarian Andy Mooers presented four fellow Rotarians with Perfect Attendance Awards, including Outgoing President, Meg York, and Joseph Fagnant, both with one year of perfect attendance; Franklin Thompson, with 12 years; and Nancy Ketch, with 15 years.
York then provided her final remarks as outgoing president, referencing the several events which had taken place over the last year.
“Together, as a club, we have accomplished much this past year,” she said. “We have hosted over 40 guest speakers either in person or via Zoom at our meetings. We have gone on two field trips, and we have had three of our first ever Sunrise meetings.”
She added the group also started the Interact Club of the Meduxnekeag, teamed up with other organizations such as the Red Cross, Houlton Agricultural Fair, the Salvation Army, Houlton Regional Hospital, and the Handwash project.
York also reminded the club members and guests of all the events fellow Rotarians have participated in including Moosestompers, the Halloween Spooktacular, Fourth of July events, the popsicle giveaway at McGill’s Community Band night, Radio Day, the annual canoe race, the student recognition luncheon, HRH Staff Appreciation Day, Rainbow for Haiti, and the 66th Annual Rotary Auction. She ended her year by handing out Presidential Awards to both Fitzpatrick and Fagnant.

The Houlton Rotary Club inducted new officers for 2022-23 at the group’s annual meeting.
(Courtesy of Houlton Rotary Club)
Following the remarks came the installation of the new officers and board members, facilitated by Fred Grant. The officers for the 2022-23 Rotary year include: President Steven Fitzpatrick; Vice President Joseph Fagnant; Sergeant-at-Arms Annette Beaton; Treasurer Matthew Nightingale; and Secretary Tracy Rockwell.
The Board is comprised of Meg York as past president; along with Steve Bither; Cameron Clark; Nancy Ketch; Leigh Cummings Jr.; Scott White; Ruba Haddad; and Deb Clark.

Deb Clark (left) was honored for her long tenure as the secretary for the Houlton Rotary Club at the group’s annual meeting. With Clark is outgoing president, Meg York.
(Courtesy of Houlton Rotary Club)
Grant also acknowledged the various committees and their chairs: Community Service, Meg York; Club Membership, Josh McLaughlin; International Service, Ruba Haddad; Rotary Foundation, Leigh Cummings, Jr.; Literacy, Linda Faucher and Tracy Rockwell; Youth Exchange, Dana Delano; Public Relations, Andy Mooers; Compliance, Matthew Nightingale; and Bingo, Tracy Rockwell.
After his induction as the new president, Fitzpatrick offered words of acknowledgement and appreciation to York for her dedication to the club and perseverance to always strive to live the Rotary Motto of “Service Above Self”.
He reminded attendees that such dedication was not only acknowledged at the local club members but also at the district level through the “District President of the Year” award.
Fitzpatrick also talked about how Rotary impacted his life growing up in Houlton. From watching his mother, Rotarian Joyce Fitzpatrick, participate in various Rotary events, to seeing Rotary provide for the community by donating funds to the Little League Fields, to the Soapbox Derby and Derby Hill, to the walking trails, and to the groomer for the cross-country ski and snowshoe trails.
“The main reason I am a Rotarian is our community,” he said. “We have one of the greatest communities there is in Maine, and I think our club is one of the strongest too. I wanted to be a part of it.”
His goals for the upcoming year are to keep the community spirit alive, keep the club involved in as many activities as possible, to grow membership, and spread funding as much as possible to as many community activities as possible.

Madalene Anderson (center) was inducted into the Houlton Rotary Club at the group’s annual meeting. With her are her parents Liz and Chris Anderson.
(Courtesy of Houlton Rotary Club)
The evening included an induction of new member, Madelene Anderson, who follows the footsteps of her parents and her grandfather. Past District President Leigh Cummings Jr. led the induction. Cummings also honored the dedicated service of Deb Clark, who stepped down from her 15-year role as the Houlton Rotary Club’s secretary. Clark was presented with a plaque acknowledging her many years of service and commitment.
A great night ended on a greater note with the awarding of not only the Community Spirit award but also two Paul Harris Fellow awards. The Community Spirit award was presented to Ricker College Scholarship Fund, accepted by Gary Bossie.

Matthew Nightingale (left) was presented with a Paul Harris Fellow award by new Rotary President Steven Fitzpatrick during the group’s annual meeting. (Courtesy of Houlton Rotary Club)
The non-Rotarian Paul Harris Fellow award was presented to Gerard (Jerry) York; and the Houlton Club Paul Harris Fellow award was presented to Rotarian Matthew Nightingale.