SAGE plans exhibition

2 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine —  Seniors Achieving Greater Education (SAGE) will host an exhibition Friday at the University of Maine at Presque Isle.

The event is planned from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Sept. 16 at the UMPI Campus Center to introduce this semester’s SAGE teachers and courses.

The program is for people who would like to learn new things without the hassle of paper writing, exams or grades. Classes meet mornings and evenings during the week. These can last for one day or several days during the months of October and November. 

Several classes offer a ZOOM option for students to attend the class online.

The exhibition will allow all prospective students to meet the teachers, sign up for classes and meet other students taking classes, which are open to anyone with minimal costs. 

To register or for information, call 768-9501.