115 Years Ago – Sept. 12, 1907
New job — Miss Henrietta West, recently employed in the office of the Caribou Water, Light & Power Company, has accepted a position in the law office of Chas. G. Briggs, Esq., and entered upon her duties Monday morning.
Job filled after resignation of another — Bruce Wallace, until recently in the employ of B.O. Noyes, began Monday working for H.O. Spencer, taking the place made vacant by the resignation of Miss Jennie Wright, who expects soon to go to Bangor and take a course in Miss Beal’s School of Shorthand.
100 Years Ago – Sept. 14, 1922
Returned from New York — Mr. and Mrs. N.M. Howard returned this week from New York, where Mrs. Howard has been purchasing her fall stock of millinery and gowns.
Accepted a new position — Geo. C. Purrington, who was for a number of years principal of the Houlton High School, will be interested to know that after a number of years as a representative of a leading book concern in Boston, he has accepted a position as principal of the Easton High School and will take up his duties with the opening of the fall term.
75 Years Ago – Sept. 11, 1947
Passes Maine bar exam — Sam W. Collins, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Collins, was among those successfully passing the State of Maine Bar examination held in Portland last week. Collins is a graduate of Caribou High School, the University of Maine, and the Harvard Law School.
Caribou man wins trip to convention — Roland Fred Harmon, local insurance agent for the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company, is currently enjoying a trip to Boston, where he is privileged to attend the National Association of Life Underwriters Convention in session there Sept. 10 through the week. Harmon was awarded the trip expense free, as a result of having the second highest total volume of insurance sales for the month of August in the Maine Agency. This agency includes the states of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
25 Years Ago – Sept. 10, 1997
New business — Ernie Gamblin demonstrated the size of the ‘Boom’ truck, which is able to lift quantities of sheetrock seven stories into the air, thus eliminating the need to use stairs. The truck will be used by Stateline Drywall Supply, Inc. as its underway as the County’s first drywall supply company.
Reunion — Three former civilian personnel officers were recently reunited at a luncheon at Jade Palace. The three officers held consecutive tenures beginning with Mr. Robinson, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hallett, who helped close the Loring Air Force Base Personnel Office. The three represent a total of 111 years of Federal Civil Service.