Mapleton Elementary School was full of excitement Aug. 30 as returning and new students and their families attended the school open house. Greeting students and parents was Principal Dan Duprey.

Jake and Myka Graham show their sons Cohen and Waylon the community mural that is painted on the Mapleton Elementary School main hall. Jake was pointing out their house that he painted on the mural when he was a student at school. This will be Waylon’s first year in school as he begins pre-K. (Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)
Students with families following close behind moved quickly to their new rooms for the coming school year. The morning Pre-K and Kindergarten students were the first ones to arrive at the school and meet their teachers. An hour later the afternoon Pre-K and Kindergarten arrived, along with all the students and their families in grades 1 through 5.

Austin Himes attends the Mapleton Elementary School Open House as he fills out a survey provided by his teacher, Kimberley Wright, to help her and the class get better acquainted with each other.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)
Amid the noise and excitement, students hurried to find their desks and see the books and other learning materials, all set for them to view. They were greeted by the smiling faces of their teachers and ed techs. In some cases, students were renewing friendships with their school friends who they had not seen over the summer.

At the Mapleton Elementary School Open House, new kindergarten student Abigail Choi is shown her personal coat hook by teacher Christi Doyon.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)
The first school day for the 2022-2023 school year was Sept. 6,
Mapleton Lions support United Way telethon
Last week, the Mapleton Lions Club donated to the United Way of Aroostook’s telethon to fund Dolly’s Imagination Library. The club recognizes the special importance of reading in the lives of young children. Through this program, children between the ages of 1 and 5 receive a new book of their own from the Dolly’s Imagination Library.

Last week the Mapleton Lions supported the United Way of Aroostook’s telethon for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, which provides books for children ages 1-5 in Aroostook County. Terry Sandusky, a Lion and member of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program, poses with a Dolly cutout as he helps with the event.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)
The benefit to children receiving these books is enormous as they learn the importance of words and language at an early age. The Lions have always been keen on helping and supporting children and youth of all ages, and enjoys supporting this reading program because of the clear benefit to children.
For some kids, there are many books in their homes, but for others there may be none. Having these books is critical in giving the children a better start in formal education.
Historical Society events
The next Haystack Historical Society event is the biggest event of the year. It is the annual baked ham dinner to be held on Saturday, Sept. 17.
The dinner is a longstanding tradition enjoyed by many residents of Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill. This year folks will be able to dine in the museum or do a drive-thru. The menu will include honey baked ham, fresh-made potato salad, baked beans, dessert squares and soft drinks or water.
The cost is $12 for adults and $5 for children under age 12. All funds raised will support the museum.
Bingo Crazy will return to the Haystack Historical Museum starting at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29.
Bingo will be played for free with many prizes given away. The society will raise funds with a chop suey dinner for $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12.
Several new members joined the historical society at the last bingo session and they will be running the bingo games in the manner as the Mapleton Daze game evening. Everyone is invited to come, play bingo and eat great home cooking.
Fall Craft/Vendor Fair
The fall Mapleton Daze Craft/Vendor Fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8, at the Mapleton Elementary School.
More than 30 crafters and vendors will be back for the fair.
To reserve a spot as a crafter/vendor or for information, visit their Facebook page at
Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at