Ark Animal Sanctuary – Week of November 9, 2022

2 years ago

We thought we would give everyone an update on IHOP the little kitten we took in with the paralyzed tail and foot. 

A few weeks ago IHOP had surgery to amputate his tail and his hind right leg. He was also neutered. The surgery was a piece of cake for IHOP, he was up and moving around the same day, eating as if nothing ever happened. He was such a trooper.

He is like a totally different cat not having to drag that hind leg everywhere and the tail that just hung there with no feeling.

IHOP, a kitten with a paralyzed tail and foot, is recovering from surgery to remove the tail an limb. (Courtesy of Lorraine Monfils)

Despite the surgery being a success IHOP still has issues. Because his tail was paralyzed that means he has permanent damage. Damage that will prevent him from using the litter box on his own for the rest of his life. We have taken on the commitment to express IHOP’S bladder three times a day. The poop will come out on its own, but he doesn’t feel it. Yes it can be a little messy but we have a routine that is working out well.

Many people ask what is his quality of life? If you could see the sweet little guy running around on three legs, climbing and playing with toys and his roommate Mirella you would have the answer to the question.

IHOP is unequivocally the happiest little guy you will ever meet. He has no idea he is differently abled, he is just happy to be a kitten at The Ark and live his life.

He even purrs when we express his bladder and give him a bath he loves and appreciates everything we do for him.

How long will he live? We have no idea, but while he is here with us he will live his life to the fullest, with no limitations. The sky’s the limit for sweet little IHOP the little kitten we have all come to love.

Thank you for your continued support and as always thank you for reading our column.