Vaccination clinic is overwhelming success for Houlton Humane Society

2 years ago

HOULTON, Maine – Nearly 100 dogs and a few cats received rabies and other vaccinations Saturday, Dec. 10, at a drive thru  clinic sponsored by the Houlton Humane Society.

Pet owners from as far away as Millinocket and  Madawaska lined up in their cars to get their pets vaccinated. Some even came across the border from New Brunswick. At times the line stretched out onto Callaghan Road where the animal shelter is located. 

“There’s not enough vets [in the region] and the ones  that are here are booked solid,” explained shelter  manager Catherine Virgie about the popularity of the  clinic.  “It’s a real problem.”

Virgie pointed out that pet owners need to have their  dogs vaccinated in order to register them with their respective municipalities. The deadline for registration is Jan. 31.

The clinic ran three hours. Pets were treated right in their owner’s cars by Dr. Jean Ennis of the Island Falls  Animal Health Clinic, the attending veterinarian.