Get the prescription facts straight

1 year ago

To the editor:

Let’s tell it like it is.

Being an insulin-dependent diabetic, I take four shots of insulin a day.  To date I am paying $70 a month for my insulin.  I have read and heard on TV that the maximum out-of-pocket cost for insulin for Medicare patients or those over 65 will only be $35 per month.  

Those reporting the $35 per month [should] get it correct.  The bill passed was $35 per month, per prescription, not just $35 per month for insulin. So if you are taking two types of insulin, that is $70 per month.  

Our state representatives and senators, and also our national representatives and senators, should get it right by telling it the way it is.  If you have prescriptions for two types of insulin, you will be paying $35 per month for each one, not $35 per month for insulin.  Two prescriptions equals $70.  

Loomis Craig
Presque Isle