30 graduate from Madawaska High School

2 years ago

MADAWASKA, Maine — Madawaska High School celebrated its 30 members of the Class of 2023 during graduation Thursday evening, June 8.

Following invocation by the Rev. Kent Ouellette and a welcome from class president Samuel Lausier, senior Peyton Cyr described the last few years as a roller coaster and congratulated her classmates.

“On behalf of the class, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people who have encouraged and supported us through our highs and our lows,” she said. “We owe incredible thanks to our parents and educators, who have stood by us every step of the way.”

One of the most important lessons her parents instilled in her while growing up was not to compare herself to others, she said. She encouraged classmates to find their own niches in the world, referring to Stephen Hawking, who said, “No matter how difficult life may seem, there’s always something you can do and succeed at.”

Senior Ian Beaulieu told the class they have much to be proud of, including sports championships and academic accomplishments.

“There is an unparalleled sense of community that exists here,” he said. “The best part is that, without really being aware of it, it emanates through the consideration we share for those around us, and the modest courtesies that we take for granted every day in this community.”

Beaulieu thanked his parents, school staff and administrators and all who supported the students.

Seniors Mallory Corriveau, Hannah Blanchette and Hailey Blanchette shared a slide show they had coordinated to honor the class.

Presentations of various awards followed, and then the presentation of diplomas by Superintendent Benjamin Sirois and Principal Wayne Anderson.