Monument Lodge co-hosts International Masonic Meeting

8 months ago

On Saturday, Oct. 1,  Monument Lodge of Masons and Woodstock Lodge No. 11 co-hosted an “International Masonic Meeting “ in Woodstock. This meeting revived an old pre-COVID tradition between New Brunswick Masonic District No. 4 and Maine’s District No. 1 which includes most of Aroostook County.

Monument Lodge was represented by Worshipful Master Mark Cassidy and six members of the lodge who accounted for over 25 percent of the attendees. He served as co-host along with the Master of Woodstock Lodge, No. 11. The meeting was preceded by a luncheon .

Speakers included  Worshipful Master Hans Erdman and Past Master Ken Moir of Woodstock Lodge who explained how aspects of Masonic lessons can be found in many everyday objects to remind him of his obligations and to guide him along. Dick Rhoda of Monument Lodge spoke of religious toleration as presented in the fable of “The Blind Man and The Lantern”. He addressed Masonry’s concern of accepting and integrating immigrants of various faiths and cultural backgrounds into our communities and lodges rather than allowing them to remain “outside the pale”  of our town’s  activities and organizations.