New salon opens

4 weeks ago

The Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce recently held a ribbon cutting to celebrate the opening of Hair Boss Licensed to Carry LLC at 55 State Road, Presque Isle. From left are, front row: LaNiece Sirois, chamber executive director; Krista Williams, Kayla Williams, Krissy Williams-Flood, Brittany Page, Marci-Rae Jerez (owner/stylist), Marla Mean, Eric Mean, Missy Fletcher, chamber past president Mary-Kate Barbosa, Elaine Fletcher and Vinal Fletcher. Back row: Carla Rossignol, business ambassador, Maine Staffing Group; Stacy Skinner, chamber board member; Karla Williams, Jessica St. Peter, Justena Dow, Lisa-Marie Howlett, Lindsey Tweedie, Gloria Watson, Donovan Siler and Emily Siler.