Presque Isle, Aroostook County and Maine

15 years ago
By Alex Hammer

    My name is Alex Hammer and I am an Independent candidate for Governor of Maine. One of the reasons that I am putting significant focus on interviews and Op-Eds in local and regional newspapers is because I believe that each area of Maine has its own important areas of specific concern that need to be addressed.     How will I approach this?
    Presque Isle, the largest city in Aroostook County, is, as you well know, the home to the University of Maine at Presque Isle (UMPI), Northern Maine Community College, the Aroostook Centre Mall, and the Northern Maine Regional Airport.
    Agricultural concerns, and increasingly also retail, are important factors for the community and region. Outdoor activities, industry and additional areas also play roles.
    Aroostook County is greatly in need of economic development, which is the focus on my campaign. In particular, I am focused on utilizing the great strengths and expertise found in Maine in a more integrated and leveraged manner to reach greater economic success.
    If elected I’ll be spending a significant amount of time in “the county” to give it the attention it deserves. I love all of Maine, and we cannot and will not be successful as a state as long as any part of it is slighted.
    When part of Maine hurts, Maine hurts. And Maine suffers.
    In regard to Maine in general, in my book “This Great State” I write in part: “To insure that statewide interests do not transgress local concerns, I would like to develop five Regional planning committees: Central Maine, Down East, Northern Maine, Southern Maine, and Western Maine, that would each provide representatives to the Maine Competitive Council to insure that local and regional interests are being adequately addressed. Citizen input is also crucial and I would like to see a substantial percentage of representation on the Competitive Council come from these ranks.”
    The book goes into significant explanatory detail, but in short I believe that there are many Maines (not just the two, traditional north versus south that one often hears), and that Maine will function best when the needs of all parts of Maine are best met.
    I am from Maine, I’ve done well (, and offer collaborative, insightful strategies for our state.
    One thing I ask from every one of you if you are willing. According to a poll by Critical Insights 82 percent of Mainers support public “clean elections” financing in Maine Gubernatorial elections. Whether you agree that our campaign offers the best solutions for Maine or only feel that we are worthy of participating in the clean elections program, your $5 contribution for our campaign payable to the Maine Clean Election Fund is appreciated.
    I am running because I strongly believe that “all of us are smarter than some of us” and that we each have a role to play, and a responsibility, to our future. I welcome your feedback, your energy, your constructive criticism and your ideas.
    Here we go.