Houlton area From Our Files (week of January 31, 2018)

6 years ago

100 Years Ago – Jan. 30, 1918

    Out to survey Hazen J. Chandler, civil engineer, left here on Wednesday for Van Buren, where he will be engaged some weeks in surveying property.

    Leaving A. E. Astle leaves this week for Halifax, where he will look over the building situation, and doubtless before he returns will secure a number of contracts for new buildings.

75 Years Ago – Feb. 4, 1943

    Birthday observed Mrs. Annie McGowan observed her 84th birthday anniversary at her home in Ludlow. She lives on the farm home where she has resided for 47 years, her son Hastings McGowan and Mrs. McGowan living with her. She is the widow of the late Alfred McGowan.

    Entertainment Mrs. Virginia Spaulding was in charge of the program which preceded the public supper served by the Col. Frank M. Hume Post V. F. W. Mrs. Barbara Ferguson was in charge of the supper committee, assisted by Bernadetta Ayott, Thelma Manion, Eva Willette and Verna Stone. Mrs. Pauline Atherton was in charge of the dining room, assisted by Louise Willette. Part of the program consisted of whistling solos, “Army Air Corps Song,” with an encore, “Somebody Else is Taking My Place.”

50 Years Ago – Jan. 31, 1968

    Meeting A. A. Hutchinson of the Houlton Steam Laundry left Monday for Portland to attend the annual meeting of the Maine Laundrymen’s Association.

    Poor service The extremely poor service given by the Houlton Water Company on electric power and lights has been caused by the extremely cold weather forming ice in the penstock at Aroostook Falls.

25 Years Ago – Feb. 3, 1993

   Social Service Andrea Spencer and her “Little Brother,” Justin Lenentine, have spent hours together this past semester. Andrea, a junior at Houlton High School, is a volunteer in the school’s Social Service Program as a big sister to Justin, a third-grader at Houlton Elementary School. Justin has gone to many of Andrea’s basketball games at the high school, visited her at her house where they have baked, played games and gone shopping and out to eat. He frequently calls Andrea at night to “keep in touch.”

   Letter published — Valerie Lenentine, a second grade student at Wellington School, had her letter published in Jerry Pallotta’s new book, “Chasing the  Alphabet,” Pallotta’s biography, written by Pamela Ryan, in an “about the author” series. Pallotta visited Wellington School and told students his sister looked like the goosefish in his “Ocean Alphabet” book. Lenentine wrote a letter to Pallotta’s sister telling her what her brother said and added that she had a brother who teased her too, so she knew what it was like to be teased.