To the editor:
What the future brings only tomorrow knows, America ignite the flames of the fire of warmth; today we need to start doing what is right instead of what is wrong. Become the fire that we once were, restore hope and freedom; not with bayonets or violence but with a just heart and a soul to go with it.
Mr. Bush said that faith-based charities can handle what needs to be done — wrong it takes a country with drive and with duty and honor to take care of it’s own. Too many times and every Republican Administration health care aide to the homeless have been cut in the name of economics.
I am 46 and I have seen things in my life that should not have happened such as closing mental health facilities without knowing the consequences of this action. Within the walls of institutions, residents are considered smart and they feel important; they feel safe. By closing these facilities they are throwing them into the cold rain.
If you walk down the streets of inner cities from San Diego to Bangor, Maine, you will find them living in filth and some without medication and stabilization of mental health personnel. I have suggested a broad medical reformation bill involving the military as the primary medical care giver giving medical care from eyes to teeth to body.
It is time to bring our people in from the cold rain to warmth and to dignity. Places were they get clean clothes, a warm bed and safety from the harm that they would face in the streets throughout what use to be the land of the free. Let’s make it free again by saying enough is enough and start rescuing our people from hopelessness and restore hope to a broken nation.
I guess what I am trying to say to the Congress and the Senate is that it is times to take off the blindfolds and turn on the lights and expose what is broken in Washington and the rest of our country and begin repairing what is broken, commence operations to retrain all those whom have lost there jobs and their homes and bring back the pride of people.
Murdock Todd Cote