Signs of our times

4 years ago

To the editor:

As I drive around our city of Presque Isle I see so many signs both large and small on some of our councilpersons’ property.  I am wondering if all of our councilpersons are only representing the party they have posted on their properties.  

When I voted for council members, in my mind I believed they were to represent all of the people in Presque Isle, not just those in their political party.  Yes, we are all supposed to have a chance to express our opinions here in America.  So I guess it appears loud and clear that some of our councilpersons speak loud and clear which people in our city they represent.  

President Reagan said, “Take down that wall.”  Councilors, I say take down those signs so citizens may believe you represent all of us.  After you do this, please go vote.

Loomis Craig
Presque Isle