Playing sandbox politics

4 years ago

To the editor:

I was totally disgusted with Joan Theriault’s letter to the editor this week. Sadly, I agree with other people that it is past time for Theriault to resign from the city council and only play these sandbox politics in her own back yard.

He said, she said, I said — how can we as voters accept one person’s word about another person, especially when it was supposedly spoken 9 months ago? How many of us can remember discussions in detail that long ago? All of a sudden, the precious charter that Theriault disagreed with a few short years ago is now a sacred book, but nine months ago, it didn’t seem that important to her.

Most of us know the charter was an effort to get and keep certain councilors from remaining active in city government. Why?  Because they argued about spending money we don’t have for items we can’t afford or don’t need. 

Doug Morrell ran for council promising to watch our tax base.  If he hadn’t been upset over the budget our taxes would have gone up again. So he was not nice. He got the job done. That is why we need him on the council.

Please do not sign that recall petition.

Norma Milton