Maine Epsilon Master holds final meeting

11 years ago

    Maine Epsilon Master met at the home of Pam Palm for the May meeting.
President Nancy Nichols welcomed sisters to the final meeting of the year and thanked all for bringing food for GIFT food pantry throughout the year.
A report was presented on Founder’s Day, which was held in Presque Isle this year. Thank-you notes were read from the Limestone and Fort Fairfield chapters. Sisters were reminded about the Relay for Life, to be held in Caribou June 6. Nichols has luminary bags for sale and is selling her famous fudge in support of the relay.
A thank-you note was read for the Easter baskets provided for the homeless shelter this year. Several sisters thanked all for cards, flowers and food during recent illnesses. Mae Gerrish has invited the sisters to her camp for an August outing.
A report was given on our sponsorship of the Miss Presque Isle pageant. Darrian Correy is the new queen.
Thank-you gifts were presented to Nichols, who in turn treated each sister with a chocolate yellow rose. Happy dollars were shared by many sisters. Newly elected officers are Nichols, president; Sue Lougee, vice president; Jane Crouse, recording secretary; Peggy Erwin, treasurer; and Bonnie Cowett, corresponding secretary.
The next meeting will be held in September.