Ark Animal Sanctuary Week of October 18, 2023

7 months ago

Happy the little kitten that came In at about 4 weeks old with the really bad eye has passed away. One morning we found her struggling. We were able to get her stable and she did well throughout the day. We gave her fluids and fed her. She ate on her own so we were very encouraged, but she passed away. 

Happy was a difficult case right from the beginning. She ate like a little pig but she was not growing.

We keep getting these difficult cases, which we will never refuse. They need a chance in life and we give each and every one of them that chance. It seems lately that we have far too many sad stories. It takes its toll on all of us, but we will never stop trying. Sometimes we just need to stand back, take a deep breath and re-group, because we know there will be another entering our doors.

We preach neuter and spay, but until people see what we see and do the work we do, many will never comprehend that Happy did not deserve the hand she was dealt. She did not deserve to be a sick orphan at just 4 weeks old.  She deserved so much more. 

Neutering and spaying saves lives. It helps eliminate all the needless suffering these cats endure.

We are committed to help and make a difference. If you need help with neutering and spaying, contact us. We may not be able to help everyone, but we will certainly try. We do not need any more sick and dying cats and kittens out there. What we do need is for everyone to have love and compassion toward animals. 

If you can’t afford an animal, please don’t get one. It’s not always about what we humans want and what we think we should be able to have.  It is about quality of life for that animal you are about to get. Can you afford vet care, flea treatment, wormers and supplies? Are you on file with a vet? These things all cost money. If you are not able to provide these things, why get an animal?

There are programs out there like food pantries and low-cost spay and neuter clinics.

Educate yourself, and if you insist on getting an animal, take advantage of the programs offered.

If nothing else, do it for a little kitten named Happy. She did not ask for any of this. She merely tried to survive in a world where humans failed her.

Fly high, sweet girl. We loved having you in our lives, if only for a brief time. You were loved and your life mattered.

Thank you for your continued support, and as always, thank you for reading our column.