Aroostook RSVP honors southern area senior volunteers

17 years ago

    OAKFIELD — “RSVP Volunteers: Aroostook's Natural Resource” was the theme of the Aroostook Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Annual Volunteer Appreciation Celebration held May 8. A total of 54 volunteers attended the 33rd Annual Aroostook RSVP Volunteer Appreciation Celebration held at Smoki Haulers Snow Mobile Club in Oakfield.  Sponsored by the Aroostook Agency on Aging, RSVP supports about 500 volunteers countywide. The luncheon honored service completed from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2007.
Image10 YEARS — Honored for 10 years of service with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) are, from left: Mary Dickinson, Ethel Antworth, Elaine Barrett, and Edith Dwyer; back, Steve Farnham, Aroostook Agency on Aging Executive Director.
   Ranging in age from 55 to 103, the seniors are part of the 122 volunteers in the southern Aroostook area who donate their time to help meet critical needs in County non-profit and public programs as members of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.
Image15 YEARS — Honored for 15 years of service with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) are, from left: front, Jean Sawyer and Helen Anderson. The two were presented their awards by Eleanor Reese, Aroostook RSVP Director and Gini Garrett, Aroostook RSVP Southern Area Coordinator.
    RSVP Program Director Eleanor Reese served as master of ceremonies. Reese said the volunteers had donated a total of 94,895 hours to County programs last year. Volunteers also provided such services as: medical transportation, friendly visiting, Meals on Wheels delivery, support of chambers of commerce, thrift shops, hospitals, nursing homes, libraries and museums as well as serving at schools, day cares, knitting and more. Steve Farnham, Aroostook Agency on Aging executive director, also made comments about the significant contributions each volunteer makes to the people, programs and agencies of Aroostook County.
Image20 YEARS — Gladys Ferguson, top, and Virginia Welch, directly above, were recently honored for 20 years of service with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). ImageAlso honored for 20 years were Elizabeth Childers.
    Rachael Smith from Congressman Mike Michaud's office read congratulatory remarks. Annette Beaton and Barrett Potter, representing Katahdin Trust Company – a major event sponsor, thanked the volunteers for helping in their southern Aroostook communities.
Image5 YEARS — Honored for five years of service with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) are, from left: Donna Grass and Ursula Levesque. Not present is  Barbara Spellman.
    RSVP advisory council members Penny Kern, Chair from Presque Isle, Don and Charlotte Marley from Smyrna, Barbara Knowles from Hodgdon, and Mim Nichols from Houlton assisted with the event. The meal was prepared and served by Smoki Haulers Snowmobile Club. Dozens of businesses and organizations throughout the area provided support for the day.
Image500 HOURS — Receiving the President’s Lifetime Volunteer Service Award for volunteering over 4,000 hours with the RSVP program are, from left: front, Mildred Reece, Charlotte Marley, Mary Lawler, Rubenia Botting; back, Gini Garrett (Aroostook RSVP Southern area coordinator), Stephen Farnham (Aroostook Agency on Aging Executive Director) and Nettie Shorey. Absent from the photo is Jacqueline Kennedy.
    Besides recognizing years served awards, 19 volunteers were applauded for serving over 500 hours during 2007.  Six volunteers received the President’s Volunteer Service award for serving over 4000 lifetime hours.  In his 2002 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush issued a challenge to all Americans to make time to help their neighbors, communities, and Nation through service. He called on each person to dedicate at least 4,000 hours – or two years – to service over the course of their lives. He created the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation to help all Americans answer his call to service and help foster a culture of service, citizenship, and responsibility.
Image500 HOURS — Earning recognition for volunteering over 500 hours with the RSVP program are, from left: front, Henry C. Gagnon, Alma Clark, Mary Lawler, Annie Atkinson, Edith Dwyer and Aubine Fox; back, Iva Stewart, Lawrence Sanders, Nettie Shorey, Robert Locke, Delores Locke, Bernice Campbell, Stephen Farnham (Aroostook Agency on Aging Executive Director), Charlotte Marley, Don Marley, Mim Nichols, and Wannetta Townsend. Absent from the photo are Ida Bradley, Dorothy Campbell and Elizabeth Childers.