The new Potato Blossom Queen, Molly Bouchard of Caribou, relinquished on Sunday her Miss Caribou title to Sheri Zbylut, the first runner up in the local pageant earlier this year.
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Sheri Zblut, seated, was crowned Miss Caribou Sunday night during a ceremony at the home of Angel Cyr, a member of the Caribou Lioness Club. Sheri was crowned by Molly Bouchard who had to relinquish the crown after becoming Miss Potato Blossom Queen in July.
The traditional ceremony was held at the home of Angel Cyr, a member of the Caribou Lioness Club.
Bouchard was crowned the Potato Blossom Queen during the annual Maine Potato Blossom Festival last month in Fort Fairfield.
During the Sunday evening ceremony, Bouchard donated a crown to the Caribou Lioness Club, which will be traditionally passed down each year to the newly crowned winner. Zbylut is the first holder of this new tradition.
Zbylut plans to attend Northern Maine Community College in the fall.
She is 18 years old and the daughter of Louis and Rita Zbylut.
Bouchard is the daughter of Jeff and Bonnie Bouchard.