Breakfast is served

13 years ago

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By Barbara Scott

Staff Writer

Everyone knows that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” but not everyone adheres to this fact. So — on Saturday, Aug. 13, before local families gear up to take in all of the many Caribou Cares About Kids festivities being offered, why not make the first stop on your agenda breakfast — at the Lister/Knowlton VFW Post 9389, on the Van Buren Road.

Serving from 7 to 9 a.m. VFW members will be cooking up a hearty menu which will include baked beans, scrambled eggs, sausage, home fries and pancakes, topped off with coffee and/or orange juice.

The cost for this full menu of breakfast entrees, sure to keep everyone well-fueled at least until lunch time, is $6 per person; $3 for kids 12 and under; and children age 5 or younger eat for free.