Stories by Contributed

2 weeks ago

Northern Maine Moose fall to Waynflete in playoff debut

The Northern Maine Moose hosted the team’s debut playoff lacrosse game against the Waynflete School of Portland in Houlton on June 4, an unfortunate 15-8 loss for the Moose but a great game played by both teams. The back and forth scoring gave great entertainment for the large crowd.

2 weeks ago

The County Crossword for June 5, 2024

You can complete this crossword puzzle online.  Just click on the box you want to fill in and begin typing the word you think is the answer to the clue. 

2 weeks ago

Houlton girls tennis falls at George Stevens

BLUE HILL, Maine — No. 8 seeded Houlton/GHCA girls tennis made the long drive to Blue Hill on Monday for a C North quarterfinal against top seed George Stevens Academy. Unfortunately Houlton was down a player and had to forfeit the 2nd doubles match. The teams split 2-2 but with the forfeit, Houlton lost 3-2. […]

2 weeks ago

Pelletier receives master of public health

EAGLE LAKE, Maine — Fish River Rural Health is pleased to announce Heather A. Pelletier’s graduation from A.T. Still University with her master of public health. Pelletier originally joined Fish River Rural Health as a volunteer board member in 2001. She joined the employment ranks as FRRH’s CFO in 2010, then accepted her current role […]