Letters to the Editor

6 months ago

More than a track

To the editor:

Each day I watch our old track of over 40 years being torn up, and the beginning of our new track takes shape and it brings a flood of memories from when I trained and competed on this oval in high school.

6 months ago

Park closes too early

People who read these letters to the editor regularly know that walking the streets of the Star City is part of my daily ritual, and going around Mantle Lake Park is part of my jaunt.

6 months ago

In appreciation of care

To the editor:
I wanted to give a heartfelt “Thank you”  to The Cary Medical Center hematology/oncology team.

6 months ago

Pickett Mountain mine would be destructive

To the editor:
I am writing to lament the mining operation proposed by Canada-based Wolfden Resources at Pickett Mountain, and to urge the LUPC to deny Wolfden’s rezoning request.

6 months ago

Make your voice heard on mine

To the editor:
Wolfden Resources Corporation is a Canadian mining company with land zoned as a “protection district” near Mount Chase, the North Gate of Baxter State Park, and the entrance to Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument.

7 months ago

Mine wouldn’t be good for Pickett Mountain

To the editor:

As a citizen of Houlton, I am very concerned about the application of Wolfden Resources of Canada to Maine’s Land Use Planning Commission to rezone land on Pickett Mountain to allow a metallic mineral mine.

7 months ago

Hold everyone to same standards

To the editor:

Why is it that in the U.S. military, all branches, service members not acting on their best behavior can be charged and prosecuted for conduct unbecoming all the while the people who control the military can act and do anything they want?

8 months ago

Biden’s push for electric vehicles

To the editor: 

This president is so thoughtful to us average Americans that he wants us all to have electric vehicles by 2035. In fact, he’s trying to ram these down our throats, all in the name of green energy.

8 months ago

Politicians not what they appear

To the editor:

In 1955 at my home in Nashua, New Hampshire, Mom and Dad finally purchased a TV set.  As I recall, it was a Stromberg Carlson and what a beauty. I was 12.

9 months ago

Child care provisions are much needed

To the editor:
Since the pandemic, the lack of affordable and accessible child care has been a barrier for parents of young children to work full time.