If you remember, in January we wrote an article about imagining what you’d like to happen in our downtown. We took a trip through the neighborhood of Whatcouldbe, on Main Street in the City of Presque Isle.
We thought it might be fun to look again at the neighborhood and see if any of these things you imagined have come to fruition.
The first thing we talked about was stores. “Would you like to see more stores? If so, what kind?” were the questions that were asked. And actually, there are plans to have a new ladies clothing store on Main Street. Excellent! Right ladies? And guys, you might see that as a way for your favorite girl to spend more money, but if you look at it in a positive light, it is also a place for you to go when you don’t know what to buy her for that special occasion. You can also add jewelry from Main Street to complement that outfit she has just bought, and add a pamper-basket or a collectible from a nearby shop to make the whole thing just perfect.
We talked about entertainment venues as well, such as movie and/or performing arts theaters. Well, as you well know, the Braden Theater has been purchased and will be operating as a theater sometime this fall or winter. A huge thank-you to the wonderful people who bought the theater and are restoring it. So, so far, some of your dreams are beginning to come true!
There is also the possibility of a new restaurant coming to the center of our downtown. So we’ll have a choice of places to eat before we begin shopping or head for a good movie.
And, if the new community center is located near our downtown, as we hope it will, then there will be more opportunities for children, and everyone in the community. There is a committee of people who have been working diligently to find the best venue for this community center, and they deserve kudos for all their hard work.
We also tried to imagine what Main Street might look like during different seasons of the year. Well, members of the Presque Isle Downtown Revitalization Committee, in partnership with the City, have seen to the summer decorations being placed outside again this summer. And artificial flowers have been placed on the State Street bridge to make the journey from the airport more pleasant.
We have also ordered several holiday lights and are just looking for the best storage options for them. We intend to take very good care of them so they’ll be around for a LONG time. They will be put up late this fall to be enjoyed throughout the winter. And, if you’ve noticed, the globes for the old-fashioned street lamps downtown have been replaced with new, clean, shiny ones, thanks to the City of Presque Isle.
We’re still working at enhancing storefronts. And, Audrey Thibodeau has seen to it that the vacant Marston’s window has been decorated and looking very attractive. Thank you, Audrey, for doing that. Wouldn’t it be nice if all the empty storefronts were decorated so nicely? It would not only create a prettier Main Street, but it might help the owners rent or sell their spaces faster. If you happen to be speaking with any of these building owners, please encourage them to make their windows attractive not only for the benefit of the City, but for their own benefit, as well.
Keep touring the Neighborhood of Whatcouldbe. Dreams can come true, but you have to dream them first.
You can get more information about the PIDRC or join us by calling Sandy Gauvin (764-0876), Cathy Beaulieu at Wilder’s Jewelry Store (764-0309), or Patty LeBlanc (769-7731), or you can contact us through the information listed below. We meet at the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce on the Houlton Road at 7:30 a.m. on the first and third Thursdays of each month. We invite you to join in our efforts to help our wonderful city.
Please write us with your thoughts and opinions. It’s your city and we need your input. You can write us at: The Presque Isle Downtown Revitalization Committee, 411 Main St., Presque Isle, Maine 04769, or you can e-mail us at pidrc@yahoo.com.
And please visit us at our new Web site! Go to http://www.presqueisle.govoffice2.com and at the bottom of the left-hand column, you’ll see a box containing Presque Isle Revitalization Committee. Click on that, and you’ll end up with us! We’ll be glad to see you!
The Presque Isle Downtown Revitalization Committee is
an ad hoc committee of the Presque Isle City Council