Seniors meet at the VFW

17 years ago

The Star City Seniors Club met at the VFW Aug. 2 with 30 members and no guests.     The blessing was said after which we all enjoyed a potluck luncheon.
The meeting was opened by President Betty Wilson, with the Lord’s Prayer, flag salute and one verse of “America.”
Our sick members are Marie and Granville Lamb.
If you know about others let us know.
Walter Gramor is in the Bangor Hospital. Don’t know any more until we hear from someone.
The secretary’s report was given by Donna Devoe in the absence of Delores Brown and was accepted by showing of hands.
The treasurer’s report was given by Jean Easler and accepted by showing of hands.
The meeting was adjourned. We all played Bingo. See you all next week.