Birthday calendars
The Mars Hill Rotary Club’s birthday calendars will be ordered shortly. Anyone with a change to report is asked to contact Tomi Henderson at 429-9126 with any new births, anniversaries, etc. Please contact Tomi by September 19 to be sure that all updated information is included in the 2008 calendar.
Rotary Club
The Mars Hill Rotary Club met on Tuesday morning at the Aroostook Health Center at 6:30 a.m. Members discussed several local projects that are in need of funds. These requests will be presented to the Board of Directors for their recommendations.
Member Ray Mersereau spoke to the group on several happenings in town. Discussed were the school consolidation options (four proposals were sent in); work being done at the Pierce Cemetery; the condemned building on Fort Street (which will be demolished soon); as well as a petition circulating in town regarding town government.
Senior citizens
The Mars Hill, Blaine and Westfield Senior Citizens met on Wednesday, September 5, at the Mars Hill Snowmobile Club for a potluck. There were 17 members present. Gwen McEntee opened the meeting. She welcomed all those present and read a humorous story. Grace Rideout asked the blessing and gave the invocation.
Following the flag salute and singing of “God Bless America,” the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted. The group signed a card for Doris Guiggey as she readies to go to Florida for the winter.
The club will host the Northern Maine Council on Aging on Monday, September 19. Entertainment will be provided by Wendell Hudson and a roast beef dinner will be served.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 18. Finger foods are planned. Following the meeting, the group played BINGO.
Golden Age Club
The Golden Age Club met on Tuesday, August 27. There were 11 members present: Leona Hess, Gladys McEachern, John and Florence Kinney, Arlene Wiggins, Ruth McKenzie, Bob Shaw, Don and Liz Cadrette and Bob and Rosalie Craig. Don Cadrette opened the meeting and asked the blessing. Following the flag salute, the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted.
The group sang “Happy Birthday” to Florence Kinney. A thinking-of-you card was sent to Lois Antworth.
The next meeting to be held on September 11 will be an ice cream social. Members will discuss upcoming outings.
Bridgewater potluck/dance
On Saturday, September 15, the Bridgewater Historical Association will hold a potluck supper and dance at their hall. The supper will begin at 5 p.m., with music following. Coffee, tea, soda and water will be available for purchase.
Come on in, bring your favorite dish to share and join in for an evening of good food, good friends, good music and good times.
For more information, contact Denis Gagne at 429-8290 or Jann Votaw at 425-7901. There is no charge for the dinner, but you are asked to bring a dish to share. Donations are always welcome and will be used for the upkeep of the building. A special thank you goes to all who support the BHA and its efforts to preserve Bridgewater’s history.
Bridgewater music jam
Bridgewater’s music jams take place each Thursday evening, during warm weather, from 6 – 9 p.m., and feature old time rock ’n roll, country, oldies and standards. Regulars are Denis Gagne (BHA president) on the drums, Jann Votaw (BHA secretary) on guitar and vocals and Simon Blawej Clair on guitar and vocals. Some refreshments are available.
Trying to preserve a small town’s history is not an easy task, and the BHA thanks those who support their efforts. They hope to see everyone at their planned events.
Bridgewater Historical Association
The Bridgewater Historical Association meets the first and third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall on Main Street. For more information, please call Denis or Gloria Gagne at 429-8290, Jann Votaw at 425-7901 or at
Ladies Stitch and *itch Group
The Bridgewater Recreation Department has formed a Ladies’ Stitch & ‘itch Group. The group meets every other Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. at the Bridgewater Civic Building. Ladies of all ages are invited to attend. There is no charge to attend. The group will meet on September 18.
This is an opportunity to bring whatever you are working on: cross-stitch, embroidery, scrapbooking, sewing, etc., and share good conversation while working on your favorite project. If you do not have anything to bring, that’s OK too, as others will be willing share and teach.
All are welcome – you don’t have to be a Bridgewater resident to participate, so bring your friends, too! For more information, contact Chris Finemore at 425-6606.
Ranch hosts Carnival Day
The Healing Hearts Ranch in Mars Hill held their annual Carnival Day on Saturday, September 8. Many thanks go to the many folks that helped sponsor the event and especially to those who helped man the many stations.
This event is one of the major fund-raisers held to help the ranch. This year’s Carnival Day proceeds will go toward barn renovations and additions for new animals to come. For more information on the ranch, go to or call 425-3880.
Open house
There was an open house held at the Spudland Alpacas Farm on Saturday and Sunday, September 8 and 9. Owned and operated by Dick and Polly Porter and family, the many alpacas on hand are beautiful to watch. The alpacas are part of the camel family and their fleece is used to make many products by people in the fiber industry. Their fleece is naturally hypo-allergenic and is said to be much warmer and insulating than sheep’s wool.
For more information, go to
Class of 1957 reunites
The A.C.I. Class of 1957 certainly enjoyed the weekend of August 3 and 4, commemorating and celebrating its 50th class reunion. Friday night, August 3, the group met at the Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center for a great meal (the food and service were terrific), with loads of conversation and catching up with the past and present happenings of the classmates.
A solemn candlelight memorial service was held for those classmates who are now deceased and no longer with us. The next day, the activities carried on and the group met at the snowmobile club in Mars Hill for a delightful time of (again) loads of food, chatting and reminiscing and just delightful fellowship. All enjoyed a well-planned memorabilia table. At a short meeting, it was decided the same committee would work on the class’s participation in the all-school reunion for next year (any other classmates who would like to volunteer, please do so).
We have been asked again to have a float in the parade and the classmates voted to have such a float. A sincere thank you was given for the hard work of the committee in making this a very successful and fun-filled reunion. The committee consisted of Lois (Hallett) Crawford, chairperson; John Kilcollins; Ken Lunn; Dale (Patterson) Blanchard; Lowell Weeks; Loretta (Boyd) Jones; Helen (Glidden) Lint; Judy (York) Robinson; and Dorothy (Long) Dalbeck. Attending the functions were: John and Mary Lou Kilcollins; Ken and Judy Lunn; Bill and Darlene Hawksley; Dwayne and Sue Dearborn; Tom and Carolyn (Grass) Norsworthy; Bob and Harletta (Estabrook) Stewart; Bill and Judy (York) Robinson; Ray and Loretta (Boyd) Jones; Bob and Dale (Patterson) Blanchard; Gene and Linda (Twombly) Picard; Dick and Betty (Jones) Hatch; Lowell Weeks and Alicia Farley; Anna Mae (Burns) Barnes; Patsy (Jones) DeLong; Helen (Glidden) Lint; Mary Anne (Tweedie) Buck; Patricia (Caldwell) Burgher; Roland “Barney” Durost; Fred Ryder; Velsa Watterson; Caroline (Banks) Aiken; Penny Hickey; Donna Mullen; Lois (Hallett) Crawford; and Dorothy (Long) Dalbeck. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett “Bud” Porter were our guests Friday night and we were so pleased they attended.
Believe it or not, we hold the distinction of being Mr. Porter’s first senior class.
Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine, Bridgewater and Westfield. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail