Community Notebook

17 years ago
TOPS 145
By Shirley Sides

The weekly meeting of TOPS 145 was held April 23 at the Congregational Church in Island Falls.     We had 11 members weigh-in and attend our meeting. Our person who lost the most weight for the week was Lois Green and runner-up was Loretta Bouchard. Great job, ladies!
Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week.
We have voted to disband TOPS and change our name to The Happy Losers.
We had a small meeting with lots of interesting conversions about weight control. Our last meeting is April 30.
Please call 365-4884 for more information. Our hours will be the same as usual.

Bridgewater Historical Association
By Jann Bonkowski Votaw

The Bridgewater Historical Association is seeking nominees for its Boston Post Cane presentation. Over the years Bridgewater’s cane disappeared. Not long ago it turned up and someone was thoughtful enough to return it to us. We wish to thank them for the safe return of the cane. Now that it is back we would like to reinstate the tradition. What better time to do it than when our town celebrates its Sesquicentennial this summer. In order to preserve the cane, the BHA will do what many other towns have done and present a plaque in lieu of the cane to the honoree. The cane will be kept on display at the BHA hall. It has always been considered and honor the be chosen to receive the cane. If you would like to nominate someone., you can obtain a nomination form at Bridgewater’s Town Office or by contacting the BHA. Keep in mind that the nominee must be willing to accept the honor.
Just a reminder, the BHA still has copies of Annie Rideout’s book “The History Of Bridgewater” for sale. The books are hard covered. Included in the book is the information that was on the jacket of the original book. They would make an excellent gift for a loved one. The cost is, $35 ($29 plus $6 shipping). To save on shipping, the book can be picked up. Proceeds form the book sale will go towards the BHA’s Sesquicentennial events.
If and when the weather finally warms up, the BHA will bring back its “Live Music” night. Our atmosphere is very laid back. We are all there to have fun. Most of our music is Country and old time Rock and Roll. We do throw some standards in the mix too. Though we have a gentleman who does some karaoke, this is not karaoke. Should we get enough interest in having a karaoke night, one will be considered for a different night.
Our sincerest thanks to all who support our efforts.

TOPS ME 233, Houlton
By Lois Downing

Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, April 25 meeting.
Nineteen ladies were signed in; five of these were KOPS.
Leader Joyce Estey led the meeting. Charlotte Marley was the official greeter. Denise Kinney had charge of the weekly contest.
Brenda Lacostic read the minutes of the last meeting in place of the absent secretary. Joanne Scott gave the weight recorder’s report.
Loser of the week was Joanne Scott with Juanita Warman as runner-up.
Gerry McAfee won the 50/50 drawing; Charlotte won the mystery gift and Joanne Scott took home the skinny dish.
The chapter voted on the Chapter Angel and Chapter KOPS awards. The names will be revealed at SRD meeting in Bangor when they have that meeting.
All of the members received “Things every member should know,” distributed by Joyce. A possible speaker will make an appearance soon and the ladies mentioned topics they would like. Joyce also talked on t-shirts, advertised in the March magazine, page 21.
The talk from Joyce was on cravings and snacks. Boredom and anxiety can trigger cravings.  Janette Nelson gave us some tips she received at a First Aid class she attended recently.
The next meeting will be May 2 at the same address. If you are interested in knowing more about the chapter, please call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
Weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m. and the meeting starts at 9 and usually ends at 10 a.m.
Everyone is welcome.

Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing

For those readers who live out of town, our snow of the past winter is finally gone, or almost. There is a patch here and there, but mostly it is the ground we can see.
Sympathy is extended to the family of Margaret Welton, who dies a few days ago. Margaret was a victim of Cancer.
Bonnie, daughter of Althea Lloyd of Newington, Conn., spent a weekend with her mother recently.
Hello to Oscar Grant. We haven’t seen you all winter. Do you know where Oscar is? Wherever you are, we wish you well.
Elinor Schenk spent all day Saturday with relatives and friends in Island Falls. She had a roast beef dinner and enjoyed the day.
We have a powerful speaker in Rev. Ron Lebarre, pastor of Saint Mary of the Visitation Church. Come and hear him!
For those volunteers of Aroostook RSVP, have you sent in your attendance card yet? Our annual banquet is slated for May 8 at Smoki Haulers Snowmobile Clubhouse in Oakfield.
Our thought for the day is: ‘The Lord is my helper, and I will not feat that man shall do unto me.” (Hebrews 13:6)
Have a nice week.