Community Notebook

17 years ago
Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing

The Fourth of July! Oh, what a wonderful holiday it is — family and friends get together. I’m looking forward to it.
   Our McGill’s Community Band cancelled its concert last Thursday due to the weather. The last concert I attended Paul LaPointe, cornetist, played one of his favorites, “Tammy.” No one can play the trumpet like Paul. Thanks very much. Looking forward to the next concert July 3.
Anna Strange, daughter of Kathy Strange, former resident of Houlton, graduated from college recently. Attending her exercises were Margaret Casey and Judy Reid from Houlton. Congratulations, Anna on a job well done.
We are happy to learn that Brian Henderson was walking soon after heart surgery at Eastern Maine General Hospital. Good for you, Brian. We have missed you and Charlene and of course, your lovely family. Brian had open-heart surgery and is doing fine.
Congratulations to Sarah and her hubby Brad Berthiaume on the birth of a son, Miles. Sarah is the young lady who sees the Ricker Rumblings gets through the paper each week. Can’t wait to see Miles. From his picture, he looks beautiful.
Did I tell you that George and Norma Bates had their 62nd wedding anniversary recently last week. Norma was “out of sorts” for a few days but things are back to normal. Congratulations to this well-known couple.
Congratulations also to Joyce London, who I learned recently retired in February. Joyce was a worker at Key Bank for a number of years. Boy, am I late on that one!
Also, Joyce Fitzpatrick of F.A. Peabody Co. Congratulations to both of these super ladies.
Have a happy and safe Fourth!

Red Hat Society
By Barbara Grant

The Border Belles met at “The Courtyard Cafe” June 12 for their monthly luncheon. There were 15 ladies present in red and purple regalia; Leola Bishop, Rose Marie Bushey, Patricia Chas, Flora Powell, Joyce Esty, Melva Folsom, Lillian Gibson, Linda Russell, Josephine Holmes, Ruth Levesque, Marilyn Tidd, Carolle Milliken, Priscilla Monroe, Marge Pannell, and Queen Mother Barbara Grant.
Queen Mother Barbara Grant provided the group with brochures from the Chamber of Commerce detailing the summer schedule of events for Houlton and the Houlton Agricultural Fair.
It was decided that the Border Belles will participate in the 4th of July parade and salute “Women in Herstory.” This year’s honoree will feature Betsy Ross. The group will gather the day before the parade at Priscilla Monroe’s residence to decorate the float.
Birthday cards were presented to five of our ladies celebrating birthdays during June; Margaret Dudley, Barbara Foster, Louise Hamilton, Josephine Holmes and Ruth Levesque.  Happy Birthday sister Border Belles.
Random names were drawn for our monthly give-a-way gifts and the lucky Red Hatters were Leola Bishop, Joyce Esty, Ruth Levesque and Marilyn Tidd.
Our next gathering will be a BBQ scheduled for July 17 at the residence of Border Belle Lois Morin at 12 p.m. Husband and “Chef” Roger Morin will cater to the Red Hatters by handling the cooking requirements, thus keeping our hats, boas and bling out of harms way.

TOPS 233
By Lois Downing

Take Off Pounds Sensibly 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, June 27 meeting.
Sixteen TOPS and five KOPS were in attendance. Barbara Grant earned her KOPS status and was welcomed into the KOPS group. Pictures were taken and we all congratulated Barbara.
Joyce Estey, leader, led the meeting. The official greeter was Barbara Troy.
No meeting is scheduled for the Fourth of July, so when we left we all bid each other a good Fourth and the next meeting will be July 11.
Reports were given by Joanne Scott and Vicki Little.
Lois Downing read a comical story and Charlotte Marley read one, brought in by Gerry McAfee. We all had a good laugh.
Loser of the week was Vicki Little.
The mystery gift winner was Joyce Estey; 50/50 drawing went to Aileen Smith and Barbara Troy was the skinny dish winner.
Barbara Troy led us in exercises. All participated. It was a good 10-minute exercise.
Many of the ladies received charms; a list of names will be forthcoming.
Denise Kinney, in charge of contests, said the Fourth of July contest is going very well. A walking program, with papers turned into fall rally time, was discussed.
A new update of birthdays was distributed, thanks to Kay Grass and Charlotte Marley.
Kay will continue to print necessary papers for TOPS, as she has done in the past.
The weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m. every Friday, except for special times. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. and ends an hour later.
If you need more information on the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Everybody is welcome.

Happy Losers
By Shirley Sides

The meeting of the Happy Losers was held June 25 at the Congregational church vestry in Island Falls.
We had 14 members weigh-in and 12 attended our meeting.
We welcomed Marion Burton to our group for the summer.
Our person who lost the most weight for the week was Annie Jane Smith and runner-up was Lois Green. Great job ladies.
Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week We voted to give a donation to the people that lost everything in the apartment fire.
Riva Hawkes led the program for the week. Her topic was on your eyes, and exercise. Followed by her usual jokes.
Please feel welcome to our group of wonderful woman who are like family. Weigh-in are Wed 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.