Community Notebook

17 years ago
Happy Losers
By Shirley Sides

The meeting of the Happy Losers was held July 2 at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls.
    We had 14 members weigh-in and 11 attended our meeting.
Our person who lost the most weight for the week was Mary Shaw and runner-up was Riva Hawkes Great job ladies.
Winnie Desmond was the person who lost the most weight for the month of June.
Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week.
Loretta Bouchard’s sister Noreen attended our meeting, and Shirley Sides’ sister Sandra joined us for breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Our leader Jackie Pratt led the program for the week. Her topic was an article on Walking Off Your Weight. Meetings are always interesting.
Please feel free to attend our meeting every Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. for weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.
Sherman Area

 Senior Citizens Club

The Sherman Area Senior Citizens Club met on Wednesday, July 2, for a special outing at Debbie’s Deli in Patten for lunch. We recommended that it is a great place to frequent for large parties or individual persons. You won’t come away hungry!
Present were: Fred and Annie Atkinson, Dean and Francis McKenny, Fred and Sylvia Tilley, Marge and Richard Hall, Donna Grass, Eva Perry, Estha Greenier, Mary Lawler, Mary Dickinson, Bonita Staples, Sam Guiggey, Linnisa Perry and Terese Albert.
Our next meeting will be held at the Sherman gym on July 16.
Patten Senior Citizens
Patten Senior Citizens met at Meadowbrook Manor on July 1 with 10 members present.
The blessing before the potluck meal was given by Annie Lord.
After the meal, the business meeting was opened with the flag salute, led by President Jackie Palmer.
Cards were signed and sent to Roxene Williams, Iola Giles, Lil Wheaton, Donna Patterson, Dot Binette, Sharon Long and Helen Palmer.
The Game was played.
Hostesses were Gloria Noyes and Mary Lawler.
Annie Lord and Joyce Harvey will make pies for the July 15 picnic in the park meeting. Members are asked to bring a bag lunch.
Members present: Rubenia Botting, Jean Tarr, Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey, Annette Noyes, Nettie Shorey, Gloria Noyes, Mary Lawler, Annie Lord and Pearl Grant.