Community Notebook

16 years ago
by Lois Downing

The Purple Hat Society met at Grammy’s Inn at Linneus for its August meeting on Tuesday, August 12.     Doreen Massina was a first time member. She took the name of “Dancing Dori.” Since it was Doreen’s first time, she was awarded the ceramic potato head, donated by Charlotte.
   All of us now have received a potato head, each different.
Twenty-four ladies were present. Lois Downing offered grace before the meal.
Leader Charlotte Marley was in attendance for the meeting and lunch. She was assisted by Dolores Locke collecting the usual dollar and some other ladies had charge of the name tags.
After roll call, we had our meal and many of us had extras to take home.
Doreen Massina had the pleasure of doing some readings for us. They were given by Evelyn Burpee. Irene Gillotti gave a reading too.  Another reading was by Sandra Wyman, a comical one. Charlotte had some facts about left-handed people.
Denise Kinney, in charge of keeping account of birthdays, announced birthdays for Charlotte Marley, Alma Gallop and Joanne Scott. We all sang “Happy Birthday” to them.
An announcement about a meal at the Oakfield Snowmobile Clubhouse was made–August 16 is the date.
Get well cards were signed for Bunny Stewart, who is on the sick list. Bunny, a very active person, is missed at our meetings.
We all signed up to bring a food item at Charlotte Marley’s residence at Smyrna Mills for September, Tuesday, September 9. Hot dogs will be cooked outside, weather permitting.
The highlight of the day was the game we played with Charlotte as the director. We had to name our role in life as she called off occupations such as mother, niece, typist, secretary, store clerk. You’d be surprised how many the ladies named. Margaret Dudley was the winner with over 50 names.
Don’t forget the date for the next Purple Hat. If you would like more information about our group, just call Charlotte at 757-8483 or any of the other ladies listed below.
Attending from Cary was Joanne Scott; from Merrill, Arlene Friel; New Limerick, Doreen Messina;
From Hodgdon, Alma Gallop and Denise Kinney; from Dyer Brook, Wannetta Townsend, Marie Gillotti, and Sandy Wyman; from Smyrna, Cindy Gray, Peggy Sanders, and Charlotte Marley.
Also from Oakfield, Delores Locke, Evelyn Johnston, Sandra Holmes, Elaine Barrett, Evelyn Burpee, Alma Clark, Bernice Campbell, and Mildred Gagnon; from Houlton, Lois Downing, Betty Wyman, Paula Wyman, Margaret Dudley and Gerry McAfee.

Happy Losers
by Lois Downing

The Happy Losers meeting was held Aug 13th at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. Thirteen members weighed in and ten attended our meeting.
Jackie Pratt, our leader opened our meeting with our sometimes dreaded roll call. Jeanne Watson was the loser of the week, and runners-up were Dotty Rand and Shirley Sides. Reports were given by our secretary and treasurer for the week.
Riva Hawkes led our program for the week. Her topic was on stress. Meetings are always educational.
Please feel free to attend our meeting every Wed. weigh-in 7:30am to 8:45am weigh- ins and meeting starts at 9:00am a good way to start your day.         Please call 365-4884 for more information.

TOPS #ME 233
by Lois Downing

Take Off Pounds Sensibly #233, Houlton, met at the Aldergate building on High Street Friday, August 15. Nineteen ladies were present including six KOPS.
Joyce Estey, leader, was in charge. Her birthday is August 18, so we all sang “Happy Birthday” to Joyce. She introduced two children to the group, visitors and children of Sherry Smith, Brandon and Kaitlin Smith. They are also Vicki Little’s grandchildren. Bettie Hemore was welcomed back after a long absence.
The loser of the week was Vicki Little with runner-up Joyce. There will be a workshop in Van Buren September 6, for those interested in traveling to the workshop.
Barbara Grant led us in 10 minutes of exercises; we all feel better after these exercises.
The 50/50 drawing went to Melva Folsom; Vicki Little won the mystery gift and the skinny dish went to Gerry McAfee. Denise Kinney, in charge of the hat contest, told us that it is going well. Two weeks is left in the contest.
Linda Trickey will be the guest speaker at the next meeting, August 22.
Linda is an employee of the Cooperative Extension Bureau of the University of Maine and her subject will be herbs. She will also speak to the group on August 29, as a follow-up.
Joyce’s topic for the meeting  was seven dimensions of wellness: social, emotional, physical, environmental, occupational, intellectual and inner balance. She gave an explanation of each and members also gave their interpretation. The program was well received.
The next meeting will be August 22 at the same location. The meeting will start at 9 a.m. after the weigh-in at 8-8:45 a.m. If you want more information on the chapter, please call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.