The 49th annual Potato Feast Days, being held on Friday and Saturday, August 22 and 23 will once again fill our community with a great selection of exciting things to do and see.
Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. make it a point to visit the Houlton Lodge of Elks (admission is $4) for the Friends and Needles Guild Annual Quilt Show.
“’Mother Earth and Her Seasons’ is a show you won’t want to miss. The skill, the extraordinary colors, the unique patterns in each quilt is an absolute work of art. Folks travel from near and far to attend this show on an annual basis,” said Lori Weston, executive director of the Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce.
The Guild will also provide visitors with an opportunity to purchase a raffle ticket on their 2008 Kaleidoscope Quilt. “Many are coveting this beautiful piece of work so buy your ticket early,” said Weston.
On Friday evening, at 5:30, Potato Feast Days participants will enjoy the annual Doll and Wagon Wrangler Parade as little girls and boys stroll their favorite doll or stuffed animal through town. “Really, this is just the cutest parade with very serious participants! It is delightful and sweet. Please come and cheer them along the way,” Weston said.
The parade will start and end at the Chamber Office. Children will receive treats and gifts bags following the parade on the Chamber lawn.
Saturday will prove to be a day with many things to do. Start the day at the Arts and Crafts Fair in Monument Park from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (rain alternative will be at the Gentle Memorial Building). The crafters and artisans are folks from our local area as well as those who travel here annually from around the state to participate in this event. You will find fine crafted items, exquisite jewelry, quilts, primitive items, food, chances on wonderful raffles (that include Red Sox tickets from the Houlton Little League) and an opportunity to give to our local folks who rely on your assistance. “Buy a baked stuffed potato and help Stepping Stones provide the services that serve so many in need; the Houlton Animal Shelter will offer you an opportunity to adopt a pet needing a home or to contribute to their cause; the Houlton Little Leaguer’s will be on hand with exciting opportunities to help support their Field of Dreams project as you sign up to win Red Sox tickets and other terrific items, to name a few. It is a wonderful time to meet up with friends and family as you stroll and gander the unique items at each booth,” Weston said.
North Country Cruiser Car Show will be held at the Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum in Littleton from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday. Free Admission with door prizes, food, fun and games and a DJ will fill the day. There will be 21 classes of cars on display. The show continues on Sunday.
“Join the fun as you walk through the show and see the wonderfully restored and kept cars that represent our past!” said Weston.
The Church of the Good Shepherd will graciously serve the public at their Pie and Ice Cream Social that begins at 11 a.m. on Saturday. “The pie makers are exceptional and the social creates just the atmosphere to enjoy it all,” said Weston.
Houlton’s Potato Feast Days will also bring out the competitor in everyone, at any age. For example:
• Mr. Potato Head Contest: At 11 a.m. on Saturday, all the talented youth in the area are challenged to create and decorate a potato in the Mr. Potato Head Contest. Please have your completed works of art at the Chamber Booth by 11 a,m, so that the judges can begin their difficult task of choosing the winners. Cash prizes will be awarded.
• Potato Salad Contest: Please have your best, favorite, tried and true potato salad ready for the judges at the Chamber Booth by noon on Saturday. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three winners and their recipes will be published in the 2009 Houlton Potato Feast Days Potato Recipe Collection Cookbook!
• Ladies Potato Peeling Contest: Ladies, be at the Chamber Booth at 2 p.m. on Saturday to prove your skill and speed in peeling potatoes! Peelers will be provided (unless you have a favorite from home that you would prefer). Cash prizes and the title of Top Potato Peeler can be yours. Register at the Chamber Booth anytime before 2 p.m.
• Houlton Potato Feast Road Rally: Register your vehicle from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at Community Park. There is a $10 registration fee per/vehicle with no limit to the number of passengers in each vehicle. Entrants will follow map directions and answer questions to things they will observe along the route. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top five places. Winners will be judged on time and correct answers to the questions. This is not a race but a timed event that should last from 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Join the fun and prove your directional skill and ability to observe your surroundings!
Participants will surely be hungry at the end of such a busy day. Travel up to the Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum for one of their magnificent and wonderful meals. Dinner will be served from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
“Throughout the day you can enjoy sidewalk sales and inside sales with many of our fine merchants. So, don’t sit home and wonder what you can do on a Saturday in Houlton, just look at the list and the choices are yours to make,” Weston said.
Please call the Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce for further details at 532-4216.