Pet Talk

16 years ago

by Cathy Davis

    Were you able to join us this past weekend for Dog Days?  What a great event!  Lorraine Monfils of Hollywood Pet Salon hosts this event for us and there is a huge amount of organization that goes into this.  She has to arrange for a port-a-potty, arrange for a dunking booth, arrange for the water to go in the dunking booth, find people to work all the various booths, find people to donate items for the auction, find an auctioneer, organize childrens activities and games, find a location and arrange for power, parking, and any necessary permits.
    There is just so much that goes into this event that I’m sure by now Lorraine is exhausted and glad it’s over.  For everyone who helps out, this is just so well organized that it’s a pleasure to show up and just “man your booth”.  There was so much going on and I know I’m going to miss something but I have to say a few words and hope you’ll keep us in mind next year to either come again, or come the first time.
    There was a farmers market so thank you to all the farmers and gardeners who donated beans, cucumbers, potatoes, etc.  There were burgers and fries and to go with this, chili, pulled pork, beans, potato salad, pasta salad, brownie alamode, strawberry shortcake, candied applies, cotton candy, popcorn, a craft table, a great auction, and kids games ranging from the rubber ducky plunge to balloons with gift coupons inside, a crab race, you name it.
    There was a dog contest, a dog agility demonstration, Tim the Tune Man was there, and so was WHOU broadcasting live.   Our very own Heather Miller was “clowning around” as usual, but this time dressed up as Heather the Clown, and then there was Mike Carpenter who gave carriage rides with his horse and buggy, all through downtown Houlton. 
    This is just a great day out and we are so very grateful to all those who donated items, time, and labor.  To Pete Kenney, thanks for being such a good sport and going in the dunking tank!  And thanks to Aroostook Auto Glass for the tank itself, to the Houlton Fire Department for filling it.
    But most of all, just a huge thank you to Lorraine, who must be totally exhausted, thank you so much Lorraine for all you do for the animals.  This event raises funds to help support the animal shelter, but Lorraine does so much more.  Every single day you can see animals in Lorraine’s salon as she is constantly helping the shelter by providing an outreach location for us to do adoptions from.  Over the years that Lorraine has been in business she has adopted out over 100 cats from her location, and has helped many hundreds more.  She is a true friend and a local hero. 
    For all of the dozens of people who helped organize and work at this event, thank you so very much.  I hesitate to name names as I fear forgetting someone but let’s give it a shot, with apologies if I miss your name.  Many thanks first of all to Lorraine’s husband Bob!  Also to Courtney Nelson, Naomi Williams, Pete and Darlene Kenney,  Lois Jeffrey,  Karen and Gary Stairs, Holly Henderson, Jan Chandler, Brenda Wright, Heather & Jon Miller, Betty Hutchinson, Autumn LaPointe, Andrea and Katherine Hutchinson, Dorene and Tim Humphrey, all the people who cooked, baked, donated, crafted, and helped organize, Mike Carpenter , Ann Reardon and WHOU!
    Most of all, thanks to all those who attended!  Your support of the animal shelter is greatly appreciated and needed!  We’ll see you this Saturday in Monument Park as we will be doing another adopt-a-thon during the craft fair!  Come look at our critters, buy a cookbook, chat with the volunteers and show your support, you are our backbone, we can’t continue without you!