From our Files: Headlines from 100 years of local news.

16 years ago

Compiled by Karen Donato-Duff
Staff Writer

75 Years Ago-Sept. 21, 1933
 Houlton Pioneer Times

    Off to College — The following high school graduates are now attending Houlton Business College: Doris Arndt, Robert Bennett, Nina Kitchen, Atwood Kidder, Charles Kidder, Mary Hannigan and Velma Piper.
    New Location — To my customers and all ladies of Houlton and vicinity. On Sept.25 you will find me located at “Pollyanna Beauty Parlor” in the Northland Hotel, Court Street. Look for the Pollyanna Sign.
    Here I am very nicely situated, with all the latest equipment, and can give you up-to-date service. Until further notice my prices will be the same, $3 to $5 for Permanents. All other work, regular prices. Please telephone your appointment. Pauline E. Berrie
    New Limerick Farm Bureau — Mrs. Clara Campbell was hostess to the New Limerick Farm Bureau group Friday, September 5. Posture and Grooming was the subject discussed by Miss Dakin, Home Demonstration Agent.
    Good posture, how to attain it, and its effect on the health and appearance were stressed. Corrective posture exercises were demonstrated, which the ladies present enrolled 100 per cent to practice.

50 Years Ago-Sept. 25, 1958
 Houlton Pioneer Times

    New Uniforms — The Houlton Band Parents Association is undertaking a series of money-raising ventures to obtain $1,000. To make a down payment towards the purchase of 62 uniforms and five majorette outfits for the Houlton High School Band. The total price is $4,000. And if the group raises the $1,000, they will ask the town for the balance. The uniforms are over 11 years old according to Walter Wakefield, president of the Association and should be replaced before the Spring Festival next May. A great deal of criticism was noted he explained at Mars Hill this past spring, where shabbiness of the uniforms worn by the local band was all too apparent to the parents and friends attending the festival.
    In New York City — Cedric Benn is spending several days this week in New York City where he is attending a managers’ meeting of the Sherwin-Williams Company.
    Chicken Shoot — A successful chicken shoot was held by the Houlton Fish and Game Club Sunday at Horten’s pit with a net profit of approximately $200 reported by President Eddie Lewis. Half this amount was tentatively earmarked towards the building of a clubhouse for the sportsmen. Chicken winners included the following: D.F. Johnson, Roland Bell, Cecil Jenkins, Raymond Ivey, Herbert Evans, Richard Riley, Johnny Lennett, Ralph Boutlier, Lee Adams, Ward Antworth, Ervin Smith, Charles Ingraham, Frank Pratt, Matthew Pratt, Gene Laing, Ralph Saunders, Bob Goodwin and Ronald Brewer.

25 Years Ago-Sept. 21, 1983
 Houlton Pioneer Times

    Little Girl — Roger and Salli Graham are parents of a new daughter, Sarah McKenzie born Sept.15.
    Honored — Eugene Gormley, MD and George Harrison, MD, were honored Wednesday evening at a retirement dinner hosted by trustees, medical staff and employees of Houlton Regional Hospital at the Parkview Terrace. Dr. Gormley has retired following 40 years and Dr. Harrison after 30 years in the medical field. Each honoree received a painting. Dr. Gormley’s depicting his office building during his years of practice, and Dr. Harrison’s showed his car, complete with license plate, parked near the entrance of his office.
    Golf Awards — The Women’s Association of the Houlton Country Club awarded prizes to winners for the season at its recent banquet. Prizes in the ringer tournament went to Martha Fasulo for lowest adjusted score, and to Hope York, for most improved score. Billie Peabody was the winner of the handicap tournament, with Mrs. Fasulo the runner-up in sudden death.
ImageFile photo 1983
Mother-Daughter Fashion Show — Mrs. Mildred McQuarrie was the narrator for the Mother-Daughter Fashion Show Monday evening as the special feature at the Christian Women’s Council meeting at Parkview Terrace. The girls did the modeling and the mothers did the sewing. The girls participating were, from left: row one, Michele Cummings, daughter of Michael and Dottie Cummings; Wendy Foster, daughter of Ken and Pat Foster; Gretchen Flewelling, daughter of Dale and Lois Flewelling; Angela Taylor, daughter of Fred and Lynne Taylor; row two, Kristi Gibson, daughter of Charles and Lillian Gibson; Julie and Becky Johnson, daughter of the Rev. Gary and Nancy Johnson; Jody Miller, daughter of Gerald and Becky Miller, and in back Holly Taylor, daughter of Fred and Lynne Taylor.

Last week’s photo of Senator Margaret Chase Smith and Monticello residents was taken in 1958, rather than 1983, as previously reported.