Community Notebook

16 years ago

Patten Women’s Club
The Patten Woman’s Club met Tues. Jan. 20 at Glenda Whitney’s house. We will be taking orders for Daffodil Days next month.  Kim Rogriques of the Red Moose Gift Shop was our guest speaker.  She told us about selling on Ebay.  She also evaluated some items members brought in.  Kim lost her antiques store when the Merrow Building burned last year.  Our next meeting will be at the Stetson United Methodist Church in Patten where we will have a tea party.

Tops #233

By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Jan. 30 meeting.
Seventeen ladies were present with 4 KOPS. We all said the TOPS and KOPS pledges. Joyce Estey led the meeting with Elinor Harvey the official greeter. Loser of the week was Gerry McAfee.
Charlotte Marley took home the mystery gift, Janette Nelson won the skinny dish and Lois Downing the 50/50 drawing.
We have another walking program—this one to Spring Hill, Tennessee to visit Betty Ivey’s daughter Robin. We signed the sign-up sheet for the miles we walked this week. The mileage to Spring Hill is 1,494.5 miles.
Barbara Troy led us in several minutes of exercises.
A correction from last week should read: one ounce of dried cherries contains 16 oz. of sugar against one milligram of fresh berries.
Denise Kinney reported on the bead contest going on now and we again drew new partners.
All of the members signed an anniversary card for Betty Marley and husband for their 50th wedding anniversary observed recently.
For the Valentine meeting we will again exchange cups. The cup does not need to be a Valentine cup but it should be wrapped.
The subject of Joyce Estey’s talk this week was on walking. If you walk 45 minutes per day, break it up in 10 or 15 minutes segments. Walk at a slower pace, not intense. Use high fiber foods in your diet each day. Try walking sideways; it firms the hips and inner thighs.
The next meeting is Feb. 6 at the same location. Weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m. with the meeting starting at 9 and ending an hour later.
If you wish more information about the chapter, call Betty Ivey at 532-9853 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. Everyone is welcome.

Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
I’m back after a short absence. Been keeping close to home, avoiding the cold weather and all that goes with the cold.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all out there. It’s a little early, but wanted to get these wishes in today.
To the Purple Hat ladies – we will be meeting next Tuesday, Feb. 10.
Have you noticed about how the days are getting longer? That means that spring is around the corner!
We are preparing for Lent, that is the season 40 days before Easter.
Leanna Nason spent Saturday with her aunt, Shirley Nason. She is growing so tall now.
Some of you are familiar with Paper Talks, a magazine of note connecting the past with the present. The recent copy of Paper Talks has a section of Veterans, including my deceased husband, Dr. Milton B. Downing. It also includes my four brothers and one brother-in-law. If you are one of the lucky ones who reads this magazine, look for that section.
And speaking of magazines, I was happy to read the copy of the latest Echoes depicting the life of Paul McGillicuddy. I know Paul personally and everything he says makes sense. It’s a great article and a must read.
The Catholic ladies packed Valentine bags today, Sunday, February 1. The bags are a great source of pride for our ladies and a project we’ve been doing for several years. Our bags were about 40 in number and contained apples, grapes, bananas, cookies, candy and other articles. It’s a project of love and brings joy to shut-ins.
Janice McCarthy is home now after spending some time in Bangor. Her hubby, Harold, is glad to have his wife home!
Hello to Althea Lloyd of the second floor, who is a patient at Houlton Regional Hospital. We miss you, Althea.
A word of caution: be careful when outside. There is ice underneath that snow.
I’m finishing with some words from Isaiah 64:4: “Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.”