On Sunday, Feb 15, over 150 people gathered at the Caribou Health and Wellness Center to remember a life that was lost too soon.
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Friends of Marissa Lloyd, the 7-year-old who was killed last year, the result of an automobile accident, gathered at the Caribou Health and Wellness Center recently to release more than 150 balloons carrying messages. The event was sponsored by the Sunshine Fund, which was initiated by Kristen Lloyd, the child’s mother.
One year ago, 7-year-old Marissa Lloyd lost her life in a tragic car accident. Following the accident it became her mother’s goal to establish the Sunshine Fund in her daughter’s name designated to help children realize that they have a voice.
The Sunshine Fund board members worked together to host the recent celebration, making cookies and painting butterflies. They were determined to send 99 red balloons to Marissa on Feb.15. Through word-of-mouth and MySpace posts, members were able to release more than 150 red balloons carrying a variety of messages.
During the celebration members of the Sunshine Fund provided hot chocolate, cookies and butterfly magnets with the organization’s tag line on them, “A voice is a voice no matter how small.”
“We were able to educate those who attended the first annual event about the fund and assisted in helping the children heal in a very hands-on way,” said Kristin Lloyd, mother of the accident victim, “by sending a message to their friend that they may not have had a chance to say before she left this earth all too soon.”
Prior to the balloon release, one of the many special poems written by Jamie Caldwell of Limestone, was read and inside two paintings by local artist Amanda Delight, were on display.
Balloons were released from Caribou to Washington D.C., and from South Carolina to Texas, in memory of Marissa Lloyd.
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Megan Ouellette filled her red balloon with messages for her friend, the late Marissa Lloyd, before releasing it along with others at the Caribou Health and Wellness Center.