A special meeting of the Presque Isle American Legion Auxilliary Post 88 was held on Oct. 24, 2008, to choose and elect a new slate of officers and to reactivate the unit.
After the election, Cricket Mooers the Seventh District president and Barbara Bondeson, past Seventh District president, conducted the installation ceremony.
The following members were installed:
President Betty Wilson; Vice President Marie Walker; Secretary/Treasurer Gail Vreeland; Chaplain Delores Brown and Sargent of Arms Joan Mchellan; and Historian Irma Weeks.
Executive Committee includes:
Dorilla Bagley, Catherine McGlauflin and Anne Scribner.
We are welcoming new members. If you are a relative of an American Legion member living or deceased and are interested in joining, please call Betty Wilson at 540-1696 or Gail Vreeland at 769-7631 for information.
Photo courtesy of Gail Vreeland
MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN Legion Auxiliary Post 88 recently met and elected new officers. Present from left: Sgt. at Arms Joan McLellan; Irma Weeks, historian; Gail Vreeland, secretary/treasurer; Marie Walker, vice president; and Betty Wilson, president.