Kiwanis Club gives Carnival thanks

16 years ago

To the editor:
    The Kiwanis Club of Caribou was quite busy during Winter Carnival 2009. The success of our projects involved many other people other than Kiwanians. We have several area businesses to thank:     One such business was the Caribou Inn and Convention Center. A special thank you goes out to Kevin Simmons and Betty Hersey for their support of our snow sculpture project. The site at Caribou Inn was ideal, and even though the rain and high winds caused some damage, it was worth all the time and effort. It was a chance for the Key Club and Kiwanis members to work together on a common activity. Mark Kalata, Key Club adviser, was definitely instrumental in the design and intricate detail of the sculpture!
    Our Keystone Kops event was rewarding again this year, and we need to thank the American Legion for allowing us to use their facility to set up “the jail.” Dave’s Auto Sales also deserves our appreciation for providing the club with additional vans to serve as “paddy wagons.”
    No one worked harder during Winter Carnival than reporter Barbara Scott of the Aroostook Republican; she was everywhere covering the events of the day. We sometimes forget the time it takes to gather the information, to write the articles and to meet the deadline. She does this well!
    Our Winter Carnival activities were a service to the community, but we would not have been successful without support from the community and our merchants! Thank You!

Carol McElwee
Kiwanis Club of Caribou