CMS students participate in essay contest

16 years ago
By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

    Fifth-grade students at the Caribou Middle School recently participated in an essay contest sponsored by the Lister/Knowlton VFW and Auxiliary.


Aroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
    Fifth-grade students at the Caribou Middle School who participated in the essay contest, “What Freedom Means To Me’, sponsored by the Lister/Knowlton VFW and Auxiliary Unit, are, from left: Kelsey Kiehn, Dustin DeMerchant, Ricky Sheldon, Nick Frost, Kelsey St. Peter, Irene Thibodeau, Maura Freme, Chelsea Chapman and Danica Walker.

    Students were encouraged to write an essay entitled, ‘What Freedom Means To Me’. During an early morning assembly, the students heard a brief history of the American Flag, courtesy of VFW member Carroll St. Peter; witnessed the proper way to fold a flag as demonstrated by St. Peter and VFW Commander Doug Michaud.
    Following the announcement of the three top essay winners, by  Yvonne Theriault, VFW Auxiliary member, all participating students received a certificate.
    First place in the essay contest went to Dustin DeMerchant. Second and third place winners were Ricky Sheldon and Kelsey St. Peter , The three winners were also awarded checks in the amount of $25, $15 and $10 respectively.