Staff Writer
EASTON — With many ATV trails slated to open May 15, activities are picking up for area clubs, including a safety event being hosted by the Easton ATV Club. “The Easton ATV Club is sponsoring an ATV safety training event for all kids ages 10-16 years. Training will be held April 22 and 23 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Easton Odd Fellows Hall on the Station Rd.,” said Karen Petrin, club secretary.
The Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce, a strong supporter of outdoor recreation in the area, has been helping spread the word about the training session.
“Thanks go out to the Easton ATV Club for generously offering this training to area youth,” said Theresa Fowler, executive director of the PIACC, in an e-mail to chamber members and business leaders.
Petrin said there is no charge to participate and the event is open to all.
“Training is not limited to Easton children. All are welcome. All materials will be provided,” said Petrin.
According to Petrin, upon successful completion, participants will receive ATV certification.
“Parents are required to accompany children under 12 years of age. Pre-registration is requested,” said Petrin.
For more information and to register, contact Budd Nicholson at 488-6822 or Harold Kierstead at 488-6853 or go to