Program helps participants to deal with life issues

15 years ago
By Kathy McCarty  
Staff Writer

    PRESQUE ISLE — Individuals who need help recovering from various difficulties they face, whether it be drug addiction, divorce, death of a loved one or something else, now have an alternative method of treatment available.     “A Celebrate Recovery (CR) program has started up at the Family Christian Center in Presque Isle, beginning this month. Weekly large group meetings will take place at the center, located at 112 Caribou Rd., on Fridays at 6:30 p.m.,” said Dr. Ayo Olugbemi.
    The sessions are open to the public and are non-denominational.
    “This program is free and open to the entire community, regardless of church or other background,” she said.
    Meetings will include a meal during the first half hour, followed by group sessions.
    “We will hold a one-hour large group meeting, which includes music and a Bible lesson or testimony (personal story about recovery experience). Attendees then split up into separate male and female groups for another hour for small-group discussion, with additional time for interaction after the meeting ends (after fellowship),” said Olugbemi.
    CR is a Christ-centered, church-based, 12-step program which started 17 years ago in Rick Warren’s (Saddleback, Calif.) church and has grown to several hundred CR groups around the nation and beyond, explained Olugbemi.
    “It is for anyone with a ‘hurt, habit or hang-up,’ including but not limited to issues such as drug and alcohol dependence, sexual addictions, overeating, co-dependency, divorce, death of a loved one and victims of sexual and child abuse,” Olugbemi said.
    She said CR revolves mainly around the “small group” either as weekly “open share” groups (part of the weekly large-group event), or “step study” groups, also held weekly, through which participants “work” the 12 steps.
    “This provides a safe place to share your experiences, victories and hopes with others who are going through a Christ-centered recovery,” said Olugbemi. “CR provides participants with the opportunity to find an accountability partner or a sponsor.”
    CR small groups will not attempt to offer any professional clinical advice. Nor will it allow members to attempt to ‘fix’ one another.
    “Our leaders are not counselors,” noted Olugbemi.
    For more information, contact the FCC at 764-6176 and leave your name and phone number and Olugbemi will contact you.