These rules are for all races scheduled in conjunction with the Hodgdon Mud Runs:
Safety-All racers must wear a D.O.T. approved helmet
Pants and closed toe shoes must be worn
Nobody is to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol
Shut down seat or tether must be used
No mowers are to be raced outside of the track area
Mowers will only be able to jump one class
Technical (general)
All mowers in all classes will have: working brakes, sound steering (no slop), treaded tires (no slicks), working shutdown system (tether or seat), solidly mounted seat (original or better), no hitches, no bumpers, no wheelie bars, no mowing blades, no add-on flags, fire extinguisher, stuffed animals, etc. that may come off onto the track.
O.E. engine, drive system (including pulleys, belts, sprockets, etc.)
Mowers must have mowing decks attached with blades removed.
All general tech rules apply in this class.
O.E. frame may be stretched or made stronger
O.E. style engine to match the frame (vertical or horizontal shaft)
Drive system may be modified by changing pulleys, belts, etc.
Must remain the same O.E. drive system style
No clutch (snowsled style) is to be used
Mowing decks must be solidly mounted to the mower (welded/bolted)
Minimum of two inches of ground clearance at the deck is required
Lift kits must be no higher than the stock frame height
Maximum width of the mower may not exceed 48 inches wheel to wheel
Throttle may be modified but must be spring returned
Engine modifications may only be done to the exhaust and intake system
Brakes may be modified but must be equal to or better than O.E.
No suspension add-on (springs, A-arms, shocks, etc.)
All general tech rules apply in this class
All engines are limited to no greater than 500cc and must be air cooled
Must have disk brake or comparable system
Maximum width of 48 inches wheel to wheel
Must have the appearance of a lawn mower (hood, deck, fenders, etc.)
No limits on clutch/drive system but must be guarded
Suspension may be used
All general tech rules apply in this class.
Any questions, contact Brent Estabrook at 532-2960 or 478-7243 and leave a message.